发布时间:2017-06-07 10:47
【摘要】: 二十世纪六十年代以来,以韩礼德为代表的系统功能语言学派逐步建立起系统功能语法的理论体系。系统功能语法在为语篇分析奠定坚实理论基础的同时提供了强有力的分析框架。作为其核心思想的语篇功能可以通过主位结构、信息结构和衔接三个重要手段来实现。本研究旨在通过语料分析来对比中国英语专业研究生硕士论文与母语为英语的研究生的硕士论文的语篇特征。 中外学者半个多世纪的语言对比研究,使语言教学等领域受益匪浅。目前语言学家们的研究热点已经从以前的句子层面转向了篇章层面,尤其是中国学生和以英语为母语学生英文的语篇对比研究引起了中国语言学家的极大兴趣。在我国,马广惠,方丽都做了这方面的研究。 基于此趋势,本论文拟从主位推进模式角度对中国英语专业大学生和以英语为母语者所写的十四篇硕士论文(约23万字)的主位结构和主位推进模式进行了对比分析。研究发现两者主要有以下差别和共同点。第一,以英语为母语者在硕士论文中使用的语篇主位百分比多于中国学生,但是差异不明显。另外,其论文中的小句主位选择排列合理,意义衔接连贯紧密。因此他们的硕士论文整体衔接和连贯优于中国大学生的。第二,中国学生的硕士论文所使用的人际主位数量和类型比以英语为母语者的多且丰富。但是,中国学生多用“certainly”和“on thewhole”之类的人际主位。这表明中国学生所写的硕士论文比以英语为母语者的硕士论文有很强的主观性。第三,中国学生在主位排列方面受“螺旋式思维方式”的影响,对主题往往采用迁回的处理办法。两者在主位推进模式上存在一定的差异,即中国学生的硕士论文主要都以“T→T模式”和“R→T模式”为主,而以英语为母语者的硕士论文主要都以“R→T模式”和“T+R→T模式”为主。因此,可以得出结论:英语议论文的展开主要依赖“R→T模式”和“T+R→T模式”。本研究对于中国英语硕士研究生的论文写作有一定的参考价值和意义。
【关键词】:主位 述位 主位结构 主位推进模式 系统功能语法
- Acknowledgements3-4
- Abstract4-6
- 摘要6-8
- List of Tables8-15
- List of Figures15-11
- List of Abbreviations11-15
- Chapter One Introduction15-24
- 1.1 Background of the Study15-17
- 1.2 Purpose of the Study17-18
- 1.3 Research Questions18
- 1.4 Significance of the Study18-19
- 1.5 Definition of Some Key Terms19-22
- 1.5.1 Text and texture19-21
- 1.5.2 Theme,rheme and thematic progression21-22
- 1.6 Structure of the Thesis22-24
- Chapter Two Literature Review24-40
- 2.1 Classification of Theme in Different Perspectives24-30
- 2.1.1 On the basis of function-textual theme,interpersonal theme and topical theme24-27
- The textual theme24-25
- The Interpersonal theme25-27
- The Topical theme27
- 2.1.2 On the basis of complexity-simple theme,multiple theme and clausal theme27-29
- Simple themes27-28
- Multiple themes28-29
- Clausal Themes29
- 2.1.3 On the basis of markedness-marked theme and unmarked theme29-30
- 2.2 Thematic Structure and Information Structure30-32
- 2.3 The Functions of Theme in a Text32-33
- 2.4 Some Problems in Theme Analysis33-38
- 2.4.1 Existential there as Theme33-35
- 2.4.2 WH-interrogatives35-37
- 2.4.3 Predicated themes37-38
- 2.5 The Application of Thematic Progression in Text Analysis38-40
- Chapter Three Theoretical Framework40-49
- 3.1 Thematic Progression Patterns Proposed by Different Scholars40-45
- 3.2 Comments of TP Patterns Provided by the above Mentioned Scholars45-46
- 3.3 The Model Used in the Present Research46-49
- Chapter Four Research Design and Methodology49-62
- 4.1 Review of the Research question49
- 4.2 Research method49-50
- 4.3 Data collection and sampling50-52
- 4.3.1 Data collection50-51
- 4.3.2 Data sampling51-52
- 4.4 Research procedure52-62
- 4.4.1 Criteria for the identification of Theme52-56
- Theme in declarative sentences52-54
- Theme in non-declarative clause54-56
- 4.4.2 Comments on thematic progression as an approach in text analysis56-58
- Advantages of applying thematic progression in text analysis56-57
- Limitations of the Thematic progression patterns as a useful means in text analysis57-58
- 4.4.3 Analysis procedures58-62
- Chapter Five Discussion62-71
- 5.1 Presentation of Results and Discussion62-67
- 5.1.1 The distinctive theme features of MA theses writing between Chinese English major postgraduate and English natives63-65
- 5.1.2 The distinctive thematic progressions of MA theses writing between Chinese English major postgraduate and English natives65-67
- 5.2 Anlysis of a Chapter Choosed from the Data67-71
- Chapter Six Conclusion Limitation and Implication for Future Study71-79
- 6.1 Conclusion71-74
- 6.2 Implications74-77
- 6.2.1 Implications for Intercultural Communication74-75
- 6.2.2 Implications for Contrastive Text Studies75-76
- 6.2.3 Implications for EFL Pedagogy76-77
- 6.3 Limitations of this study77
- 6.4 Suggestions for Future Study77-79
- Bibliography79-83
- Appendix83-84
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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