发布时间:2017-06-08 04:06
【摘要】:模糊限制语是模糊语言的一种,是一种缓和语气的手段。它在文章中,尤其学术文章中的运用体现了作者对所述观点的态度,并为读者留下足够的探讨空间.在学术写作中,为了得到读者的认同,取得学术的成功,作者在某些情况下往往需要谨慎措辞,而模糊限制语的运用可以帮助作者达成这一目标。然而,大量研究表明,同英语本族语者相比,中国学生在英语学术写作中存在少用模糊限制语的问题。 鉴于这个问题,本研究致力于研究非英语专业研究生在英文摘要写作中模糊限制语的运用,并探索体裁过程教学法在模糊限制语教学中的应用,以期提高中国学生在英语学术写作中运用模糊限制语的意识和能力,并为今后的模糊限制语教学提出参考意见。本研究自建两个语料库,研究对象为北京邮电大学的120名非英语专业研究生。学生在以过程体裁教学法为主导的培训前、后各提交一篇英文摘要作为语料来源。作者运用手动统计的方式分析两库中模糊限制语的使用频率及分布,观察受训者在培训后的进步情况。 研究结果显示:1)课程前,同英语本族语者相比,这些学生在运用模糊限制语的数量和种类上较少,2)课程后,这些学生在某些模糊限制语的运用上有进步,他们运用了更多数量,更多种类的模糊限制语。因此,该教学手段对提高学生运用模糊限制语的意识和能力有一定的效果。希望本研究能够对模糊限制语的教学以及非英语专业研究生的学术英语写作教学提出指导建议。
【关键词】:模糊限制语的教学使用 英语学术摘要写作 过程体裁教学法 中国非英语专业研究生
- 摘要4-6
- Chapter 1 Introduction11-14
- 1.1 Research Background11-12
- 1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Research12-13
- 1.3 Layout of the Thesis13-14
- Chapter 2 Literature Review14-26
- 2.1 An Overview of Previous Studies on Hedges14-19
- 2.1.1 The Development of the Concept of Hedges from Logic to Pragmatics14-16
- 2.1.2 Classification of Hedges in Academic Writing16-19
- 2.1.3 Important Role of Hedges in Abstract Writing19
- 2.2 A Review of the Pedagogical Framework—Process-Genre Approach19-26
- 2.2.1 An Introduction of Product Approach,Process Approach and Genre Approach20-22
- 2.2.2 An Integrated Teaching Model—Process-Genre Approach22-26
- Chapter 3 Research Design26-31
- 3.1 Research Questions26
- 3.2 Research Site26-27
- 3.3 Corpus Collection27-28
- 3.4 The Processing of PG Approach28-31
- Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Discussions31-53
- 4.1 Overview31-35
- 4.1.1 Overall Frequency and Distribution of Hedges in the Two Corpora32-34
- 4.1.2 Most-Frequently-Used Hedges in Both Corpora34-35
- 4.2 Different Distributions and Frequencies of Hedges in Each Type35-52
- 4.2.1 Modal Verbs35-41
- 4.2.2 Lexical Verbs41-46
- 4.2.3 Epistemic Adverbs46-49
- 4.2.4 Epistemic Adjectives49-51
- 4.2.5 Epistemic Nouns51-52
- 4.3 Summary52-53
- Chapter 5 Implications53-63
- 5.1 An Overall Assessment on the Effect of PG Approach on Hedging Instruction53-56
- 5.2 Pedagogical Implications on the English Academic Writing Instruction for Non-English Postgraduates56-62
- 5.2.1 Scaffolding Language and Learning57-58
- 5.2.2 Providing Diversified Types of Feedback58-59
- 5.2.3 Connecting Writing Skills with Other Basic Skills59-61
- 5.2.4 Reorienting Teachers' Role in the Process of Writing61-62
- 5.3 Summary62-63
- Chapter 6 Conclusion63-65
- 6.1 summary63-64
- 6.2 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Studies64-65
- Bibliography65-69
- Appendix Ⅰ:An Extract of Sentences Containing Hedges in the Two Corpora69-73
- Appendix Ⅱ:Practices Implemented in the Training73-76
- Acknowledgements76
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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10 张瑞鸿;;模糊语言的顺应性解释[J];外语与外语教学;2008年07期