英国硕士毕业论文写作指导-What is a dissertation?
What is a dissertation? 什么是论文?
每一篇论文都是一篇独特的作品,下面的章节通常包括在内。As noted above, a dissertation is an independent piece of research that you carry out on a topic chosen by you. The research is carried out by you alone, with support in the form of lectures and workshops as well as guidance from your supervisor. The dissertation offers you the opportunity to exercise autonomous learning and self-development, and to deploy problem-solving skills across a range of disciplines and experiences. It gives students the opportunity to investigate in depth a specialised aspect of communications studies and demonstrate skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation.
While every dissertation is a unique piece of work, the following sections are usually included.
Introductory section导言部分
This should contextualise the research. What is the research rationale, what is the organisational or contextual background, why should this research be undertaken, and what is its significance? There should be an acknowledgement of the scope and limitations of the dissertation. It is critical that your question, aims and objectives are made explicit.
Literature Review文献综述
Methodology 方法论
This should be an explanation and evaluation of your underlying philosophical approach to the research and the chosen methodology. You need to explain why your chosen approach is appropriate to your question and how it will inform the nature and quality of the findings and conclusions. Similarly the selection of particular methods and techniques should be evaluated in terms of how appropriate they are for this research. Advantages and limitations of the approach used should be discussed. You should include:
• Decisions made about the data required for the study (What types of data did you collect? What was your sample? Why?)
• The instruments used for their collection (interviews, focus groups, documentary analysis etc.)
• How the data was collected (where, when, what format)
• The researcher-participant relationship
• Ethical considerations relating to the method and how these were managed
• Limitations of the methods used and how these were taken into account
Findings 结果
This chapter (or series of chapters) presents the research findings in a clear and focused manner. Keep in mind the aim of the research at this point. You are beginning the process of presenting your answer to the question you set yourself in the aim. Remember also your ethical obligations: the findings should be presented in a way that protects vulnerable participants where relevant.
Discussion and Analysis讨论与分析
The presentation of findings and their analysis and discussion can be combined. In the discussion and analysis, you reflect on and synthesise your findings in relation to what you found in your critical evaluation of the literature. This is where you clearly, and in a focused and structured way, show the relationship between your primary findings and the themes from the literature. You must show how your dissertation contributes to current thinking in the relevant discipline, perhaps by confirming or contradicting that which has been found previously. Inherent in this discussion will be an acknowledgement of the boundaries of your research and the limitations to its comprehensiveness.
There should be some concluding comments to this discussion, drawing out the main themes that emerge from the synthesis of your primary data and the secondary research you conducted.
This is where you conclude the entire work. Firstly you would need to answer the question or aim that you set yourself. In addition you need to reflect on the process of the research, highlighting where you might have done things differently to improve the dissertation by, for example, using alternative methods or attempting to neutralise any bias you may have brought to the process. You might like also to reflect on any ethical issues or difficulties that arose from your relationship with the organisation or subjects being studied. Finally, conclusions to research almost always include recommendations for further enquiry.