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发布时间:2016-06-25 22:26


在当今信息技术时代,计算机在人们的生活中扮演着越来越重要的角色,如何有效地利用计算机来管理企业,最大限度地提高企业的绩效已成为一个值得关注的问题。企业资源计划(企业资源计划)是伴随着时代的发展在企业中发挥越来越重要的作用,实施企业资源计划系统是企业的一种管理过程,为决策和企业管理起到了支撑作用。系统实施和项目管理的实施,对实施该系统起到了至关重要的作用。本研究的作者,基于文献研究,总结出关键成功因素(CSF),在小样本的随机选择的中国承包商采用10点评分测试问卷(进行测试可以被认为是最关键的得分最高,通常中间的点,最重要的最低分),讨论在这个小样本获得的数据采用SPSS问卷。因子分析过程中的因素分析,,并综合评价了这一因素在小样本情况下的影响,总结了影响项目应用成功实施的关键因素,其研究的目的是确定它们之间的关键成功因素和环节,以规避合理、正确的理解和应用企业的。In today's era of information technology, computers play an increasingly important role in people's lives, how to effectively use a computer to manage the business and maximize enterprise performance improvement has become a matter of concern. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is accompanied by the development of the times play an increasingly important role in the enterprise, the implementation of ERP systems is the sort of enterprise management processes, and for decision-making and business management played a supporting role. ERP system implementation and project management of the implementation of the ERP system has played a crucial role. The author for the study, based on study of the literature,summarizes the critical success factors (CSF), to form a questionnaire on a small sample of randomly selected Chinese contractors using a 10-point scoring test (to be tested can be considered the key to the most highest score, usually to the middle points, the most important given the lowest score), to discuss the questionnaire in this small sample of data obtained using SPSS. The factor process of factor analysis, and comprehensive evaluation of the impact of this factor in the case of small samples, which summarizes the key factors affecting ERP model for the successful implementation of the project application, the purpose of their study was to identify the key success factors of ERP and facets links between them, in order to circumvent reasonable, correct understanding and application of enterprise ERP instructive.

1. Introduction介绍

As China's economy continues to develop, China has made great progress in the construction industry. but small and medium sized construction companies feel the pressure of competition growing, the construction industry with the warming of the real estate market the rapid development of how to achieve a more efficient management of business is undoubtedly the hot issues of corporate concern. The rapid development of modern information technology, has begun to revolutionize the traditional enterprise acquisition and use information, managers are also faced with the challenge of a new era of enterprise IT organizations. Based on the construction industry, information technology development program of the Ministry of Construction issued the latest, from the national level to support the enterprise ERP system to promote the use of enterprise information architecture development, improve the standard of enterprise project management processes, the real future of enterprise sustainability. ERP is precisely because of the success of the combination of information technology and the latest management thinking, has begun to be accepted by more and more enterprises. ERP that is referred to as enterprise resource planning, and was first used by the US Gartner Group Inc. company in 1990 first proposed. ERP information management technology is based on a systematic decision-making for business executives and ordinary employees working platform software, ERP is based on the idea of supply chain management for business capital links, links and material aspects of enterprise information integration of information management system. ERP software into the rapid development in the 21st century, now largely open to all domestic and foreign large enterprises and key decision-making tool for running enterprise resource integration process management in foreign countries is to dominate the market for enterprise development to provide thrust. Statistics show that under the American APICS ERP software systems using the company's corporate operating earnings data has improved significantly, with an average production capacity can be increased by 10% -15%, 12% reduction in production costs, inventories fell at least 30%, etc., enterprise management has improved significantly. Meanwhile the growing Chinese community outside the enterprise within China is also building a lot of changes have taken place. Transition and high-tech enterprise in difficulty working methods gradually improve the quality of staff and managers for the increasingly high demand; outside the enterprise in the fierce competition of many construction companies, architectural and rising investor demand for diversified, businesses are and the intersection of a number of construction companies. Internal and external environment have prompted the construction enterprises should innovate in the management of ideas, ways and means, more and more enterprises begin to know the necessity of construction investment management system in enterprise development. Today, construction companies have sprung up to enable IT to transform business management systems, ERP projects are Chinese construction companies continue to take root. On the other hand, the construction industry and general manufacturing industries compared to a lot of particularity, building products and production characteristics, management, business process and general manufacturing industries are all very different. Construction industry is using the computer industry earlier, but it was mainly confined to office OA software helps office productivity and financial software they use in areas such as the city, with the development of a low level of enterprise information architecture enables companies to changing the status quo into a higher information requirements enterprises, but many construction business processes, related to the project construction, procurement, maintenance and other aspects are numerous information. The status quo based on the information management needs of construction companies use ERP and other information tools to change the urgent psychological enterprise management is growing.
3.3 The main contents of ERP project implementation
3.3.1ERP project implementation and management steps
3.3.2 The main content of ERP project management
4. Analyses
4.1 Discussion on shortcomings and Countermeasures of Chinese construction contractors in the implementation of ERP
4.2 The implementation of ERP project Chinese contractors
4.3 Discussion on the misunderstanding of the contractor in ERP project implementation and Countermeasures Chinese Construction Engineering
5. Conclusion and Limitation


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