Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research Background
Nowadays, communication between different languages is very common. The soaring of intercultural communication is leading to the appearance of global village. The term was originated in the 1970s, referring an closer relationship among nations and races. As a member of the ‘global village’, China has actively participated in international society.In addition, as a developing country, it is eager to introduce more advanced knowledge, ideas and concepts to its citizens. Also, Chinese people want to know more about the outside world. In this way, E-C news translation is needed in great amount. Many scholars are interested in studying E-C news translation so as to provide useful guidance for translators. However, translation studies in the past usually start from the authors’ self experience and are prone to subjectivity. There is still huge room for the development of translation studies. Language is combined with opinions and attitudes. When the speaker or writer makes an utterance, he never gives out neutral expressions but suggesting his position and stance. Hence, an important part in the process of communication is the express of evaluation. Researchers have realized the importance of studying evaluative resources but most of them focus on the features of evaluative resources in different genres within a single cultural context (Ksrner, 2000; Hood, 2004; Wang, 2002, 2004, 2010;). Communication between two languages is an unique form of expressing evaluative resources. Evaluative resources refer to the semantic resources used to negotiate emotions, judgments, and valuations alongside resources for amplifying and engaging with these evaluations (Martin, 2000, p. 12). It is noticed that the evaluative resources sometimes changed when the source text is translated to the target language. Although a translator is required to convey the ideas of the speakers faithfully, accuracy could only be realized to some extent.
1.2 Research Purposes
As studies on evaluation are mostly explored in uni-cultural contexts and translation studies, involving two culture, are less studied in evaluative resources in translation. In addition, the demand of E-C news translation is increasing. Taking all these into consideration, this thesis taps into the following questions: a. Are there any differences in the distribution of evaluative resources in source texts and target texts in terms of Bednarek’s six core parameters? If there are differences, what are they? b. What are the reasons for the differences in terms of evaluation? c. What insights can be drawn for translators from the analysis of the evaluative expressions in the E-C news translation? d. What reflections and improvements can be made to Bednarek’s parameter framework? In order to achieve this purpose, authentic translations are selected as materials. These translations are generally regarded as good translations. This can assure the conclusions drawn from the observation of those translations are meaningful and useful. Moreover, a parallel corpus of STs and TTs will be made to quantify the comparative study.
Chapter Two Literature Review
In recent years, with the increasing international communication, news translation has become one of the hottest research fields which receive more and more attention from relevant experts both in China and throughout the world.
2.1 News Translation Studies Abroad
Various approaches have been explored in order to provide guidance for translation practice. The most significant parts are stylistic, communicative and sociolinguistic approaches. In the following part, there is a general introduction to the previous studies of news translation. Two questions are researched by following scholars: news features and news translating objectives. Stylistic analysis searches for features in the grammar, punctuation, graphology etc that might serve to distinguish news reporting from other styles of language. Firstly, for news features, Evans (1974) introduces generic structuring through treatment of individual examples of stories. Stories are usually divided into an opening including the first sentence (the “lead” ) and then a body. This opening “lead” is used to highlight the “news point” or “angle” of the story and to summaries its “essential news elements”. Some training texts advise that the lead should contain the “five Ws and an H” –“who”, “what”, “when”, “where”, “why” and “how”. Studies abroad on English news translation started from Susan Bassnett, a translation theorist. She (2009, p. 6) find that translation promotes the circulation of information all over the world. In her article Translation in global news agencies, some special features of news translation has been discussed.
2. 2 News Translation Studies at Home
The relevant studies concerning news translation in our country can be briefly summarized from the following aspects:news translation standard and its translating methods , news translation criticism and news translation theories In the line of news translation techniques, translation practice is the research subject. In previous studies, three aspects are mainly discussed: news translation standard, news sectional researches and news translating methods . Firstly, for news standard, some researchers get multiple results. For some scholars, equivalence is picked up as the standard of news translation. Equivalence is understood as the standard of news lead translation according to Chen (2001) whose opinion is supported by Huang (2010). In Huang and Li’s (2004) study, equivalent effect is viewed as one of the translation standards. For the other scholars, Yan Fu’s faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance with new meanings or slight adjustment are ideal news translation standards. Yan Fu’s standards are adopted as the news translation standards by both Chen (2001) and Wang (2007). However, they develop the standards into different levels. A comparison between the three standards is made in Chen’s study and the conclusion is drawn that faithfulness and expressiveness are very important while elegance is complimentary. Different with Chen’s, new meanings of the standards are developed by Wang as the news translation standards. Except for the directly adoption of Yan’s standards, a creative adaption is made by Huang (2010). Wu (2005) doubts the translating theory of “faithfulness” from the perspectives of cultural differences and the special demands of TV and radio news by exemplifying with a large quantity of examples of news translation. He thinks that the translators of TV and radio News have to deviate from the original text consciously in order to reach the anticipated destination and realize the ideal dissemination under some special circumstances.
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework .............. 20
3.1 Evaluation ........... 20
3.2 Bednarek’s Parameter-Based Framework ....... 21
3.3 Summary ............. 24
Chapter Four Results and Discussion ..... 25
4.1 Marking Evaluative Parameters ........... 25
4.2 Realization of Aligning and Deviation at Lexical Level ...... 44
4.3 Causes for Deviation of ST and TT ..... 60
4.3.1 Different Attitude Sources ......... 60
4.3.2 Different Cultures and Ideologies ......... 61
4.3.3 Different Form and Degree of Evaluators ....... 62
4.4 Suggestions for Faithful Translation .... 63
Chapter Five Conclusion ............. 66
5.1 Findings .............. 66
5.2 Implications ........ 67
5.3 Limitations .......... 67
Chapter Four Results and Discussion
4.1 Marking Evaluative Parameters
After reading ST, some evaluative meaning are noticed by the author. Then, comparing the evaluative meaning and its corresponding translation in TT, certain marks are given to signify 6 kinds of core evaluative parameters respectively. Following the research questions and the evaluative parameters, this chapter will explore semantic realizations of evaluative meanings in the data of E-C news translation by marking the evaluative parameters. Before marking evaluative parameters in the corpus, the definition of evaluative parameters should be given first for a clear understanding of the study. Chen (2008) points out that evaluative parameters refer to different types of semantic categories realized by linguistic expression of evaluation. In other word,,they are concerned with the categorization of evaluative meanings (Chen, 2008, pp.71-72). Bednarek (2006) suggests a group of values as evaluative parameters, indicating that speakers can use good or bad, important or unimportant, expected or unexpected, genuine or fake to evaluate different aspects of the world. The following section will investigate evaluative parameters in E-C news translation in detail. The realizations and distributions of the parameters in the data will be carefully depicted. For the convenience of marking and numbering, certain mark are given for each parameter and the corresponding sub-parameters. For example, in parameter Comprehensibility, CO1 and CO2 stand for the two sub-parameters: comprehensible/ incomprehensible respectively. EM1 and EM2 refer to positive and negative in parameter Emotivity. EX1, EX2, EX3 and EX4 stand for expectedness, unexpectedness, contrast and contrast/comparison (negation) in parameter Expectedness. For parameter Importance, IM1 and IM2 refer to important and unimportant. In Possibility/Necessity, PN1, PN2 and PN3 refer to Impossible and Unnecessary, Possible and Necessary. In Reliability, RE1, RE2, RE3 and RE4 stand for Genuine and Fake, High, Medium and Low.
Bednarek’s (2006) parameter-based framework provides a useful tool to discuss evaluative resources dotted in texts. Many studies have proved the theory is applicable in different genres. This thesis has applied it in E-C translation study which is seldom explored before. Several findings are obtained after this corpus-based investigation into authentic materials. The following is a short conclusion of the major findings of the thesis. Firstly, the changes of evaluative resources take different forms. The translator may adjust the stance taken by differing, adding or reducing evaluative resources. Equivalence at the level lexis is often abandoned. Besides, adding or reducing evaluative resources occur in certain situations. Sometimes, When the ST have negative information, the TT will add something positive or reduce the negative word to his benefit. Secondly, the thesis uncover possible causes for the changes of evaluative resources at the lexical level of E-C translation. Different attitude sources, different cultures and ideologies and different form and degree of evaluators are contribute to such changes. Besides, these factors are in an interwoven network, dynamically influencing each other. Therefore, a successful translator should realize translation is not only the decoding of one language into and encoding into another language, it is an inter-cultural interaction. Thirdly, three suggestions for faithful translation have been given under Bednarek’s parameter-based framework: aligning with the attitude of the ST; being faithful to the culture and ideology in ST; keeping the form and degree of Evaluators equivalent. If the news translators pay more attention to these aspects, then TT will be more faithful.
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