摘 要
关键词:绩效评价 预算管理 绩效预算 高校预算
Budget management play in the financial system of higher education institutions in a key role, it is essential for universities organize economic projects step by step, and its success with University Financial actual situation and future development are closely linked. Currently, under the premise of the accounting system of higher education institutions to produce drastic changes in the accounting system to a large extent influence the budgeting of higher education institutions. This change to the financial regulation on the one hand the adaptability challenges, while promoting higher education institutions to increase financial management, at the same time improve the budgetary mechanism. Progress budget management philosophy, it is possible to enhance the reasonableness of budget management, contribute to the rational allocation of resources, higher education institutions, improve the scientific use of fiscal funds, optimize the financial regulatory structure and Universities. In addition, colleges and universities to optimize the educational use of the funds, in essence reflects the universities to improve the quality of talent, enhance important social performance.
This study describes the basic rationale of the university budget management, the main problem for the university in College A budget management by introducing the idea of the performance evaluation to the financial budget management A university, the establishment of performance evaluation A university budget The index system, combined with the practical effect of A university budget are evaluated and analyzed. Finally, the A university strengthen financial budget management improvements measures to effectively improve the efficiency of budget funds A university for other universities also have important reference. The article is divided into six parts. The first part of the introduction, which describes the background and significance, research status and research methods and technical route. The second part of the basic theory of the university budget management, including budgetary implications of content, budget management, budget management features and functions as well as performance budgeting and performance evaluation of five parts. A university budget management Situation third part includes A college financial condition, A university budget management and preparation of the budget and the university management problems. The fourth part is the performance evaluation based on budget management, mainly to explain the budget preparation, budget execution and performance evaluation in three areas. The fifth part from the establishment of binding performance budget management mechanism, building responsibility system and strict budget control and budget performance optimization measures based on performance evaluation of A university budget management in four areas proposed A university budget management optimization recommendations. Finally, conclusions and outlook.
KEY WORDS:performance evaluation,budget management,A University
摘 要 II
第一章 绪 论 4
第一节 研究背景与意义 4
一、研究背景 4
二、研究意义 4
第二节 国内外研究现状 5
一、国外研究现状 5
二、国内研究现状 7
三、研究述评 9
第三节 研究方法和技术路线 9
一、研究方法 9
二、技术路线 10
第二章 预算管理相关理论 11
第一节 预算及预算管理的内涵 11
一、预算的内涵 11
二、绩效预算的概念 12
三、绩效预算评价的定义 12
四、预算管理的内涵 12
五、预算管理的特征 13
六、预算管理的职能 14
第二节 绩效预算的理论基础 15
一、 X 效率理论 15
二、委托代理理论 17
三、新公共管理理论 18
第三章 A大学预算管理现状分析 21
第一节 A大学财务状况 21
一、A大学概况 21
二、收入来源 21
三、支出范畴 22
第二节 A大学预算管理现状 23
一、A大学预算管理模式 23
二、A大学预算编制 23
三、A大学经费项目的分类 24
四、A大学项目预算的执行与控制 26
五、A大学实施经费项目管理的技术条件 27
第三节 A大学预算管理存在的问题 28
一、学校领导的短期行为 28
二、预算编制随意性大 29
三、缺乏预算绩效评价 30
四、缺乏有效的激励机制 32
第四章 基于绩效评价的预算管理设计 33
第一节 预算编制 33
一、零基预算法 33
二、经费测算标准 33
三、经费安排的韧性 34
四、形成预算总表 35
第二节 预算执行 35
一、预算执行的原则 36
二、预算实施 36
三、预算控制 37
四、预算调整 38
第三节 绩效评价 39
一、评价指标体系 39
二、采用层次分析法确定权重 42
第五章 基于绩效评价的A大学预算管理的优化措施 46
第一节 A大学预算管理的绩效评价及建议 46
一、A大学预算管理的绩效评价 46
二、A大学预算管理的改善建议 47
第二节 A大学基于绩效评价的预算管理的优化措施 49
第六章 结论与展望 55
第一节 结论 55
第二节 展望 55
参考文献 56
致 谢 58
攻读学位期间发表的学术论文目录 59
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