发布时间:2017-07-26 12:22
- Acknowledgements5-6
- 英文摘要6-7
- Chapter One Getting Started7-11
- 1. Introduction7-8
- 1.1 The importance of abstracts7
- 1.2 The definition7-8
- 2. Motivation and data8-9
- 2.1 Motivation8
- 2.2 Data8-9
- 3. The intended study and aim9-11
- Chapter Two Register Analysis11-66
- Part One Theoretical Framework11-13
- 1. The notion of register11
- 2. Three variables of register11
- 3. The notion of text11-12
- 4. Three strands of meaning12-13
- Part Two The Resources for Analysis in Functional Grammar13-16
- 1. Resources within the clause13-14
- 1.1 Transitivity13
- 1.2 Mood and modality13-14
- 1.3 Theme and Rheme14
- 2. Resources around the clause: cohesion14
- 3. Resources beyond the clause: grammatical metaphor14
- 4. Resources below and above the clause14-15
- 4.1 Groups and phrases14-15
- 4.2 Logical relationship15
- 5. Summary15-16
- Part Three Text Analysis16-60
- 1. Abstract 116-30
- 2. Abstract 230-40
- 3. Abstract 340-44
- 4. Abstract 444-48
- 5. Abstract 548-53
- 6. Abstract 653-58
- 7. Abstract 758-60
- Part Four Conclusions and Discussion60-66
- 1. Previous research findings60-61
- 2. Present findings61-66
- 2.1 Transitivity61-62
- 2.2 Nominalization and nominal groups62-63
- 2.3 Cohesion63
- 2.4 Theme and Rheme63-64
- 2.5 Mood and modality64-66
- Chapter Three Genre Analysis66-73
- Part One Theoretical Framework66-68
- 1. The notion of genre66-67
- 1.1 Genre in systemic-functional linguistics66
- 1.2 Genre in the area of ESP66
- 1.3 Core characteristics66
- 1.4 Abstracts as a genre66-67
- 2. Approaches to generic structure67-68
- 2.1 Hasan's GSP67
- 2.2 Martin's schematic structure67
- 2.3 Swales' moves and steps67
- 2.4 Conclusion67-68
- Part Two Structural Description of Abstracts68-73
- 1. Previous research68
- 1.1 Geatze's model68
- 1.2 Paltridge's model68
- 1.3 Bhatia's model68
- 2. Comments and modification68-71
- 2.1 Comments on Bhatia's model68-70
- 2.2 A suggested new model70-71
- 3. Concluding remarks71-73
- Chapter Four Leaving Open-ended73-75
- 1. Limitations73
- 2. Further research73-75
- Bibliography75-77
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1 张蕙莹;学术语类中语境功能标记性主位的使用[D];大连海事大学;2006年
2 肖征;英语科研论文摘要中的评价[D];山东大学;2006年