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中小民营企业网络营销现状及解决对策Network marketing present situation of smal

发布时间:2016-05-13 10:30

论文题目:中小民营企业网络营销现状及解决对策Network marketing present situation of small and medium-sized private enterprises and Countermeasures


中小民营企业网络营销现状及解决对策Network marketing present situation of small and medium-sized private enterprises and Countermeasures


Abstract: with the rapid development of the Internet economy and e-commerce, network marketing mode of subversion of the traditional marketing idea, becomes the enterprise to gain market share, improve the economic benefits of one of the main means of marketing. For small and medium-sized enterprises, network marketing low cost, wide coverage, if properly handled can quickly obtain very good marketing effect. This also provides a with big enterprises compete against the fair competition opportunities for small and medium enterprises. China's overall Internet marketing level is not high, the small and medium-sized enterprise network marketing is still in the stage of exploration and study.
The study in this paper can be divided into four parts, the first is systematically summarized the relevant theories and the small and medium-sized enterprise network marketing, studies the characteristics and the network marketing of small and medium-sized enterprises of the modes and their characteristics. Secondly, analyses the present situation and problems of small and medium enterprises network marketing finally, combining the analysis on SWOT for small and medium sized enterprises and puts forward the corresponding recommendations for improvement. The goal of this paper is the investigation of small and medium enterprises in the network marketing of our country, find the basic problem that restricts the difficulty for the development of Chinese small and medium enterprises network marketing, and puts forward the corresponding improvement measures, improve the level of network marketing of small and medium-sized enterprises, to help small and medium enterprises bigger and stronger. This paper solved three problems: first, the fundamental reason for restricting the development of small and medium-sized enterprise network marketing. Second, what is the real problem facing the small and medium-sized enterprise network marketing. Third, how to combine the small and medium-sized enterprise SWOT development of network marketing strategy. Look through this research can help small and medium-sized enterprises aware of their existence in the network marketing problems, and make the network marketing level to a higher level.
Keywords: small and medium-sized enterprises; network marketing; marketing; Countermeasures

题  目

一 绪论 1
1 选题的背景 1
2 选题的意义 1
3 国内外研究的现状 1
3.1国内研究: 1
3.2国外研究 1
4 研究的方法 1
二 中小企业营销相关理论 2
1 中小企业的含义及特点 2
2 网络营销的含义及特点 2
3 网络营销的常见方式 2
三 中小企业网络营销现状 3
1 网络市场份额逐年扩大 3
2 决策灵活,进步很明显 3
3 整体营销运营能力不足 3
4 网络营销管理制度缺失 3
四 中小企业营销存在的问题 3
1 网络营销的发展晚 3
2 网络营销意识不强 3
3 整体应用水平不高 4
4 缺乏营销专业人才 4
四 中小企业营销SWOT分析及改善策略 4
1 中小企业网络营销SWOT分析 4
1.1优势分析 4
1.2 劣势分析 5
1.3 机会分析 5
1.4 威胁分析 5
2 中小企业网络营销改善策略 5
2.1  更新网络营销理念 5
2.2  改善网络营销方式 5
2.3  引进网络营销人才 6
2.4  建立营销配套体系 6
五 结束语 6
参考文献 7

一 绪论

1 选题的背景

五 结束语

本文系统地研究了中小企业网络营销面临的问题并给出了相应的解决方案。本文的创新在于,1研究角度的创新性。中小民营企业是一个特殊的企业群体,长年来我国学术界过度关注大中型企业的发展,而忽略了中小民营企业的建设。其实中小民营企业是中国企业的未来,随着网络营销时代到来,中小企业将发挥其个性化的价值,通过对网络营销的研究,可以帮助中小民营企业快速成长。2 研究成果的创新性。本文并非空洞的理论性研究,文章融合了真实的企业营销案例,,旨在为中小企业民营企业提供切实可行的网络营销策略及方式。本文的不足在于选取的中小民营企业的例子没有广泛的代表性,不同地区、不同文化环境的网络营销的方式或效果也是不同的,网络营销个性化的研究还有待进一步深入探究。在网络营销与传统营销手段的互补性问题研究、网络营销的效果监测问题、网络营销与品牌建设关系问题等方面的认识还不足,这也将是作者未来努力学习和加强研究的方向。


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