本文关键词:马克思《博士论文》中的自我意识原则 出处:《山东大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 自我意识 自由 实践 浪漫主义 “理性的天真”
【摘要】:马克思的《博士论文》主要比较了德谟克利特的自然哲学和伊壁鸠鲁的自然哲学的差别,差别的关键在于原子学说的不同。相比之下,马克思认为伊壁鸠鲁的原子论更具有进步意义,他的原子论为自由和解放提供了逻辑可能,已经远远超越了德谟克利特。实际上,此时的马克思还没有掌握唯物辩证的武器,不能从科学的角度阐述这一现象,而是仅仅借助浪漫主义的冲动肯定了自我意识原则的进步价值,巧合的是,这个略带感性的出发点交合了他一生追求的理性终点站——人的解放。《博士论文》中的自我意识原则也就具有了种子和果实的双重意义。 笔者在绪言部分阐述了选择马克思的《博士论文》作为硕士论文选题的原因和意义,并以自我意识原则为重点,简要地综述了国内颇有影响的相关研究文献。第一章着重叙述了《博士论文》的写作背景,包括青年马克思的成长经历和十九世纪德国的现实状况,并对自我意识哲学作了历史性的回顾和梳理,强调了古典传统对马克思写作《博士论文》的影响。第二章主要讲《博士论文》中的自我意识原则,通过德谟克利特原子论和伊壁鸠鲁原子论的对比体现了马克思对自我意识的实践性诉求,对主观原则的超越,对能动性的确认,对个性自由的彰显,对宗教批判的迫切,以及对黑格尔思想的暧昧情愫和对理想与现实之间矛盾感的咀嚼。青年马克思在浪漫主义的诱惑下无力抵抗自我意识冲破一切藩篱的快感,借助“怀旧”和“还乡”传递着传统与反叛的精神。第三章主要是对《博士论文》自我意识原则的一个拓展性的探索。《博士论文》中的自我意识原则是能动地摆脱一切天上的神和人间的神的自觉和能力,它最终的目的就是自由的实现。马克思的自我意识原则强调地是在与世界的联系中追求感性、经验个体的完整性,这就不同于青年黑格尔派强调的抽象个体性,而是具有了实践的意味。结语部分从一个真性情的马克思来重新审视《博士论文》,肯定了马克思《博士论文》中的自我意识原则的重要意义。 《博士论文》是青年马克思情感纠结的哲学表达,也是他对社会、事业、爱情、荣誉以及理想的阶段性梳理和协调。自我意识原则就是诸类矛盾的宣泄口,然而,马克思通过一番探究之后,却得到了与青年黑格尔派意见不同的认识,虽然这种认识并没有被当时的马克思引起足够的重视,但这个新的发现却为后来马克思主义哲学的建立迈出了标志性的第一步,成为他追求“理性的天真”、追求人的解放的逻辑起点。
[Abstract]:Marx's doctoral thesis mainly compares the differences between Democritus's philosophy of nature and Epicurus' philosophy of nature. The key to the difference lies in the difference of atomic theory. Marx thought that Epicurus's atomism was more progressive. His atomism, which provided the logical possibility for freedom and liberation, had gone far beyond Democritus. In fact. At this time Marx has not grasped the weapon of materialistic dialectical, can not explain this phenomenon from the angle of science, but only affirmed the progressive value of the principle of self-consciousness with the help of romantic impulse, coincidentally. This slightly perceptual starting point coincides with the rational end of his life, the liberation of human beings. The principle of self-consciousness in doctoral thesis has the double meaning of seed and fruit. In the preface part, the author expounds the reason and significance of choosing Marx's doctoral thesis as the topic of master thesis, and focuses on the principle of self-consciousness. The first chapter focuses on the writing background of "doctoral thesis", including the growth experience of young Marx and the reality of Germany in 19th century. It also makes a historical review and combing of the philosophy of self-consciousness and emphasizes the influence of classical tradition on Marx's writing of doctoral thesis. The second chapter mainly talks about the principle of self-consciousness in "doctoral thesis". Through the comparison between Democritus's atomism and Epicurus' atomism, Marx's practical demands for self-consciousness, the transcendence of subjective principles, the affirmation of initiative and the manifestation of personality freedom are reflected. It is urgent to criticize religion, and to the ambiguous feelings of Hegel's thoughts and the sense of contradiction between ideal and reality. Young Marx is unable to resist the pleasure of breaking through all barriers of self-consciousness under the temptation of romanticism. With "nostalgia" and "returning home" The third chapter is an extensive exploration of the principle of self-consciousness. The principle of self-consciousness in doctoral thesis is to get rid of all the gods and human beings in heaven. The consciousness and power of God. Marx's principle of self-consciousness emphasizes the pursuit of sensibility and the integrity of experiential individuals in the contact with the world, which is different from the abstract individuality emphasized by the Young Hegel School. The conclusion examines the doctoral thesis from a true Marx and affirms the significance of the principle of self-consciousness in Marx's doctoral thesis. "doctoral thesis" is the philosophical expression of young Marx's emotional entanglement, and it is also his periodic combing and coordination of society, career, love, honor and ideal. The principle of self-consciousness is the vent of all kinds of contradictions. However, Marx through some exploration, but has been different from the views of the young Hegel school of understanding, although this understanding did not attract enough attention by Marx at that time. However, this new discovery took the landmark first step for the later establishment of Marxist philosophy and became the logical starting point for his pursuit of "rational innocence" and human liberation.
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