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发布时间:2016-09-28 06:35

Chapter One Introduction

From the perspective of general educatio n, this study puts forward the teachingobjectives of Survey of English-speaking C ountries, applies flip classroom into thiscourse as a way of the rec onstructing the college English teaching. It is based on thetheory of deconstructionism and mastery learning theory as a guidance of the flippedclassroom teaching model design. Strengthen students' understanding of the Englishlanguage and culture, improve students' sensitivity to cultural differences, tolerance, andthe flexibility of dealing with dif ferent cultures, enrich and com plete the students'knowledge structure, to achieve its cro ss-cultural communicative competence and theimprovement of comprehensive language application ability.By re-examine the connotation of flippe d classroom and eliminating the people’smisunderstanding of flipped classroom , the author analyzes the m eaning of flippedclassroom to foreign language teaching, then points out the im portant role of flippedclassroom to cultivate students’ ability of meta-cognition, that can m ake people todeepen the understanding of the flipped cl assroom. Besides the exis ting multimediateaching matched with task-based teaching method and student's cooperative learning,this study supplements teaching model in Survey of English speaking Countries coursewith flipped classroom , which meets the course requirements, the macro requirementsfor college English teaching. And it provides theoretical basis for further research of theflip classroom teaching model in Survey of English-speaking Countries course. T heteaching activities in flippe d classroom designed are in accordance with stud ents'cognitive stages, and enable students to train their metacognition ability, which can helpthem to cultivate life long learning ability , that is the most valuable role of highereducation.


Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Research on General Education in College English Teaching

In May 20 10, the “National College English Teaching Reform AchievementsSummary and foreign language education and curriculum set up high level forum"conference held succes sfully, the participating experts almost unanimously that thegeneral education is the basic direction of College English teaching reform. Therefore,based on instructional concept of general education, College English reform can achievethe goal of College English te aching better. It can expand the students' field of vision,broaden the students' thinking, training students th e ability to digest the knowledge,extend students' cultural quality, enable students to digest the knowledge in differentfields, realize the truly "people' s development in an all-round way" in the generaleducation philosophy. The famous English philosopher Francis Bacon of 17th century had a famous essayof studies, which has a maxim “ Histories make men wise, poets witty, the mathematicssubtle, natural philosophy deep, moral grave, logic and rhetoric able to contend. Abeuntstudia in mores ( Francis Bacon).” This passage reflects the importance of education tocultivate a wide range of people to read and the importance of the completed knowledgefields. The concept of cultiv ation of general education is expressed very thoroughly ,because the wide range of knowledge w ill shape the whole education concept tocultivate people's comprehensive development.General Education, derived from the term liberal education, which is proposed byancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, and was first appeared in 1828 in The Yale Reportof 1828 and Liberal Education(Lace, 1987:326), which is in fact the spiritual extensionof Liberal Education (Gary, 1988:182-183). Bowdoin College Professor Packard (A. S.Packard), for the first tim e, combined the general education with college educationtogether. In his point of view , general education is the prep aration for students to startany professional learning, it can provide st udents with all knowledge of the teaching,which will enable students to have a comprehensive understanding and overall situationof knowledge before their accepting a special and specific instruc tion. What studentsshould accept is a kind of "general education", a kind of classical, literary and scientificeducation, and one kind of education that can be as integrated as possible (1929:300,Packard). In 1945, the United States Harvard University committee published GeneralEducation in A Free Society, general education is the first time to be put f orward(1945:51). In the 70s of the 20th century, Ha rvard's Faculty of Arts and Sciencesreformed the syllabus of gene ral education, then came to be the result of an i mportantimpact on the core curricu lum system in almost all colleges and universities in theUnited States. Today, the first two years of the American University undergraduatemajor courses and basic courses in general is the general education curriculum, that isthe "core curriculum".

2.2 Research on A Survey of English-speaking Countries

A Survey of English-speaking Countries is an English language and cultural coursewhich combines knowledge of English-speaking countries background and knowledgeof English language. Because foreign la nguage teaching should no t only im partknowledge to students, but also m ake students understand the cultural background ofthe target language, so this course is an im portant part for the st udents to deepen theEnglish language foundation and to improve the ability of communication. It is a courseof knowledge which introduces social and cultural background of English speakingcountries including the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Australia, and NewZealand. At the same time, it is also a pr actical knowledge of cultural curriculum, thecontents involved in a wide range of co mplex knowledge, such as geography , history,economy, polity, education, art, ph ilosophy, character, folk, religion and so on. Thiscourse provides students with a lar ge social and cultural background, to prom ote theinteraction and blend ing between dif ferent courses, so as to deepen the students'understanding and mastery of English language, literature and culture. So the teachingobjective of this course should be to en able students to understand the history ,geography, society, economy, education and other aspects of the major English speakingcountries and their cultural traditions, to improve students' sensitivity to culturaldifferences, tolerance and flexibility to d eal with cultural dif ferences, and developstudents' intercultural communication competence.In this paper, the author takes the "Sur vey of English-speaking Countries" as the"theme", and searches the literature on China National Knowledge Infrastructureignoring time limitation and retrieves to 207 rele vant literature in total, then selectedparts of these literature to study on. Selected principle: the selection of the literature aremainly in the core journals, literature should be cited in high frequency, and authors areall college teachers. T he domestic researches on th e survey of E nglish-speakingcountries can be divided into three categories, which are the current teaching model, theexisting problems and the further development prospects.

Chapter Three Flipped Classroom.............24

3.1 Introduction to Flipped Classroom...........24
3.2 Theoretical Bases for Flipped Classroom........................37
3.3 Significance of Flipped Classroom in Foreign Language Teaching.....................................46
Chapter Four Flipped Classroom Teaching Design in A Survey of English Speaking Countries......56
4.1 Teaching Situation in A Survey of English-speaking Countries Classroom Observing.......56
4.2 The “ Two Bidirectional Circles” Flipped Classroom Teaching Model............64
4.3 Flipped Classroom Teaching Model Design in A Survey of English-speaking Countries...73Chapter Five Review and Prospect of the Study.........115
5.1 A Review of the Main Content and Innovation of the Study........115
5.2 Limitations of the Study................115
5.3 Suggestions for Further Study..............116

Chapter Four Flipped Classroom Teaching Design in ASurvey of English Speaking Countries

4.1 Teaching Situation in A Survey of English-speaking CountriesClassroom Observing

The author probes deep ly into the clas sroom of a survey of English speakingcountries in Harbin Normal University, through observing the class to analyze teachingsituation of this course, the reasons to observe the classroom are as followings. First, soas to testify whether the information obtained from related literature reviewing accordswith actual teaching situation, thus to strengthen the background foundation of the study.Second, to observe whether the teaching obje ctive has been achieved or not, and tomake it clear that in which tea ching process did we make the mistakes so as to knowwhat should we do to modify these problems. The last but not the least, to obtain thefirst hand teaching information in actual, thus to make sure the real needs of teach ersand students, then according to the real needs to design the flipped classroom teachingmodel, which could add the authenticity and validity of this study. Foreign language teaching should enable students to know the cultural backgroundof the target language, so this course is a vital m anner for the students to deepen theEnglish language foundation and to im prove the intercultural communicative ability.This course com bines the knowledge of En glish-speaking countries social culturebackground and the knowledge of English languag e. It introduces social and culturalbackground of English speaking countries in cluding the United Kingdom, the UnitedStates, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. At the sam e time, it is also a practicalknowledge of cultural curriculum which i nvolves in a wide range of com plexknowledge, such as geo graphy, history, economy, polity, education, art, philosop hy, character, folk, religion and so on.

4.2 The “ Two Bidirectional Circles” Flipped Classroom TeachingModel

The flipped classroom model of this study is designed to solve the problems foundin class observation, and is designed on the premise that to achieve the triple teachingobjectives. The purpose of making up the above problems is instilled in each process ofbefore class, during class, and after class. According to th e observation of teachingpractice, first, this model should enable teachers instruct students’ previewing lessonseffectively so as to laid a solid foundation for further learning during class teaching. Ofcourse, it should also increase the interaction and communication between teachers andstudents, it is the m ost important significance to class teaching. What’s more, studentsare suggested to participate te aching activities actively thus to be the owners of theirlearning and be the dom inant of the class. And the class should be an environm entwhich allows students to cultivate their coo perative learning, and allow teach ers toprovide personalized instruction to students, the last but not the leas t, the teach ingenvironment should be profitable for students to train their cultural quality and theirthinking development which are the ultimate goals of education. Actually, the process of flipped class roomshould be periodic and circular , the finish of one class predicat es the beginning ofanother. Through previewing lessons before class, students can master knowledge betterand communicate with teachers and students to go further on study, then benefited fromlearning stage during class students could ach ieve more personalized instruction whichcould cultivate their cultural quality, after class students conclude their achievement andintrospect their learning process, the self evaluation and introspection will help a lot inadjusting their learning strategies, as mean while cultivate their meta-cognitive ability,and it is this process that can guide the previewing procedur e before class. So we cansee that, each process of flipped classroom is connected with others, and they all interactto each other reciprocally, thus the author construct a “ two bidir ectional circles model(双环双向模型, see figure 1)”



Chapter Five Review and Prospect of the Study

5.1 A Review of the Main Content and Innovation of the Study

By studying the macro teaching requirements of previous college English refor mprogrammatic documents, the author reali zes the im portance of cultivating collegestudents’ general education. After com bing related references, the author com es to aconclusion that the college English is a si gnificant part of general education, and asurvey of E nglish speaking c ountries course could be a f easible way of cultivatingstudents’ general education. Combined the macro teaching requirements with reviewingliterature, observing the class, interviewing teachers and students, this study generalizesthe teaching objectives of A Survey of English-speaking Countries course and points outthe limitation of trad itional teaching mode and its failure in ach ieving the teachingobjectives of this course, then com es to a conclusion that the flipped classroom couldpartially solve the past limitations in teaching practice. Based on the teaching objectivesof this course, this study design a “two bi directional circles flipped classroom model”.Be different from previous study, under the guidance of theoretical foundation, thisstudy elaborates the detailed sample to flipped the classroom, including media choosingand media making, learning activities and introspection and conclusion, thus to hope toprovide an useful sample for readers.

5.2 Limitations of the Study

The limitations of the study can be concluded as the following two parts:1) Due to the identity of a student the author fails to do experiment in real, thus theeffectiveness of this teaching design still needs to be examined. Teaching is a dynamicprocess which exists many factors can not be expected in it, although this study designsan accurate teaching mode, the effectiveness still needs to be examined thus to inspectin which step of this “two bidirectional circles” flipped classroom teaching mode needsto be improved. It is the author’s student identity that limits the improvement of thisstudy in practical use. 2) Although every step of the flipped classroom teaching mode has been designed,an authority evaluation on the teaching result is also needed. Including the evaluationfrom three aspects of school, teachers and students on teachers’ teaching practice, onstudents’enthusiasm of participating the learning activities, on students’ development oflanguage skills, on students’ culture quality, on students’ development of thinking. Theinspection of evaluation on teaching result can not be done by person al endeavor, itneeds support on macro level such as school and some certain educational department;in such condition, the flipped classroom can be examined and accepted thoroughly.






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