Resale price maintenance is a form of vertical restriction of competition, and it is also one of the main ways for modern automobile manufacturers to improve their profits. Compared to other industries, the automobile market is a completely open competition, automobile brand many, resulting in a countries to enhance the degree of control in the automobile market in the process of difficult; also appear in the auto industry vertical competition behavior, for industrial enterprises to bring a positive impact, also brought some negative effects. Automobile industry in the vertical competition effectively promote the automobile manufacturer of the public image of the brand optimization, in avoiding the emergence of the phenomenon of double marginalization. But it is certain significance of serious damage to the privileges of consumer price competition and high costs in the process of after-sales support; optimization and improvement in the auto industry vertical restrictive competition brings a lot of chaos and adverse effects, has become the state of our country and even the global car management and regulation is an important content.
In the course of this study. In this paper, the in automobile industry in the resale price maintenance and antitrust regulation is based on the current situation to carry on the discussion, by automobile industry resale price maintenance have cause and effect of market analysis, at the same time, through further longitudinal of automobile industry of our country to restrict competition situation analysis as a basis, and further puts forward the future automobile industry resale price maintenance and suggestion on the anti-monopoly regulation, sound and optimized to promote the sustained and stable development of China's automobile industry.Key words: resale price maintenance; anti-monopoly; automobile industry; vertical price limit
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