1. Introduction
1.1 Research Background
With the rapid development of science and technology, the comprehensive national power of China is stronger and stronger. The government and people pay much attention to education especially in rural areas. While there are some problems of rural education which are the insufficient rural teachers and unreasonable structure of rural teachers. Therefore, the central government implemented the Special-post Teachers Plan in order to improve the overall quality of rural teachers and promote the balanced development of urban and rural education from 2006. The Special-post Teachers Plan aims to advocate graduated college students to teach students compulsory education in the western region. With the in-depth implementation and continuous improvement of the Special-post Teachers Plan, the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued a notice that to implement the Special-post Teachers Plan continually in 2009. On July 23rd, 2010, Chinese government promulgated the The National Education Reform and Development of Long-term Planning Program (2010-2020) which points out that the special-post teachers’ plan continue to implement at the rural compulsory education stage. In the end of 2012, there were 300 thousand special-post teachers in China. The special-post teachers have become an important part of rural teachers in our country. Therefore, more attention should be paid to the special-post teachers. However, there are some problems in the special-post teachers. As a special group, the special-post teachers are different from the teachers who has permanent teaching job in a school. First, as a new teacher, special-post teachers have 3 years to serve on the rural areas. Three years later, when the final evaluation was qualified, they have rights to stay or leave. It is not easily to form teachers’ identity in short time. Second, the teachers who have experienced superior education and growth environment are difficult to integrate into the environment in rural school. Third, their obligations are the same as other teachers, but they have to face challenge to bad teaching environment, low salary and live environment, which will shake the special-post teachers’ belief and value. But for a long time, the special-post teacher is difficult to obtain the social recognition, so it is not helpful for teachers to devote the enthusiasm to their work, and it is easy for teachers to have negative treatment to themselves. What’s worse, this negative treatment affects teachers’ teaching attitude further and the teaching quality of basic education.
1.2 Research Purpose and Significance
It has been found that the ignorance of identity of teachers and keeping the unchanging concept of education will not promote teacher professional development effectively. (Kontra, 1997). The enhancement of English teachers’ sense of identity can make them feel the value of English teaching and find fun from their hearts (Wu Yian,2008). We all know that the special-post teachers are important part of rural teachers. However, they have few teaching experiences and are not familiar with their surrounding environment. So, they tend to lose their identity in their teaching practice easily. And the identity crisis among the new special-post teachers is a big problem. Therefore, the author wants to understand the situation of the new recruited special-post English teachers identity and try to find some ways to help them. Based on the social-culture theory and teacher professional development theory, combining the qualitative and quantitative research methods, the author tries to investigate the status of special-post English teachers’ identity on cognitive level, affective level and behavioral level so as to help the special-post English teachers to understand their identity better. This research has great significance in studying the special-post English teachers. Firstly, the research can enrich and supply teachers researches, especially for the study of special-post English teachers. Secondly, the study helps special-post English teachers understand their identity well so as to promote their professional development. Thirdly, this study attracts more attention from the Educational Department and the society to the situation of special-post teachers and promote the development of special-post teacher policy.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Related Definitions of Teachers’ Identity
The concept of “identity”, according to Mead, was usually described as “the self” and one’s self-concept (Mead, 1934). This part will present the definition of the special-post English teachers, identity and teachers’ identity.The “special-post teacher” refers to a teacher who teaches compulsory education in western rural China. All of the special-post teachers have received higher education and got teacher qualification certificate. They are employed to be a teacher through special-post teachers’ recruitment plan. According to this plan, the teachers have to serve in rural schools at least for 3 years. After that they would be evaluated whether they are a qualified teacher, and they can choose to stay or leave if they pass the evaluation. The study of identity originated from western psychology. There were two kinds of theories about “identity”. One was the self-identity theory. Another was the social identity theory. In early time, the identity as a psychological phenomenon was used in psychological analysis and Freud was a typical representative in this field. Freud (1961) pointed out that the identity was the self-image of each person and needed to be adjusted by individuals themselves. In the 1930’s, the social psychologist Mead begun to study the “identity”. According to Mead (1934), identity was described as how individual developed through transactions with the environment. Erikson (1968) defined that the identity was something in one’s inner that developed in the whole process of one’s life rather than something inherent. Giddens thought “identity” was a person who reflected oneself according to personal experience and knowledge. Beijard (1995) referred identity was the answer to question “who I am”. In 1979, Turner proposed social identity theory which believed that person put themselves in a group and behaved in accordance with the rules of the social system.
2.2 Studies of English Teachers’ Identity Abroad and at Home
In the field of education, until the 1990’s, there was a study of teachers’ identity. Researches of teachers’ identity developed very fast and the contents of research were various. In foreign countries, many researchers studied the definitions of English teachers’ identity from different purposes and topics. Table 2-3 shows the definitions of English teachers’ identity of foreign countries. In general, the formation of teachers’ identity cannot be separated from the teachers themselves and teaching environment. Except the definition of teachers’ identity, many scholars study factors that affect teachers’ identity. The factors affecting teachers’ identity are complicated and varied. In a word, there are external environment factors and internal personal factors. Stout (2001) described the affecting factors of teachers’ identity from three aspects, first was the relation between teachers and others; second was the influence of school system and school culture, and third was the implementation of education reform and the influence of educational environment. Day (2004) pointed out that teachers in most countries suffered from various intervention of government such as the national curriculum, the national examination, evaluation of school quality standard etc.. Doyle (1990) believed that the school culture was the school members shared the concepts, rules and value, which determined teacher’s perception and teacher’s profession. Researchers including Proweller and Mitchener (2004) point out that “students are the one of the most important factors that influence the formation and the development of teacher identity.” Gehrke (1981) found that the students’ sufficient spiritual support and feedback had great influence on novice teachers’ identity. At the same time, a good relationship between teachers and students was an important factor for teachers to teach in the field of education. From the above, there were all environmental factors that affect teachers’ identity.
3. Methodology ..... 19
3.1 Research Questions .......... 19
3.2 Research Subjects ...... 19
3.3 Research Instruments ....... 20
3.3.1 Questionnaire ......... 21
3.3.2 Interview ......... 22
3.4 Research Procedures ........ 23
4. Data Analysis and Discussions .... 25
4.1 Results of Questionnaire ......... 25
4.2 Analysis and Discussion of Interview ......... 39
4.2.1 Work Motivation .......... 39
4.2.2 Role Recognition .......... 39
4.2.3 Teaching and Living Environment .... 42
4.2.4 Personal Planning ......... 44
4.3 Factors Affecting the SPETs’ Identity ......... 45
4.3.1 Personal Factors .... 45
4.3.2 Environmental Factors ........ 46
5. Conclusion ......... 49
5.1 Major Findings.......... 49
5.2 Suggestions ........ 50
5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research .... 52
4. Data Analysis and Discussions
This chapter of this thesis, the author will collect and analyze the data of SPETs’ identity on cognitive, affective and behavioral dimensions by SPSS17.0. In addition, the author interviews 15 SPETs to analyze the factors that affect the special-post English teachers’ identity.
4.1 Results of Questionnaire
In order to understand the whole level of the newly recruited SPETs’ identity, the author analyzes the mean of each dimension by using Descriptive Statistics method as shown in Table 4-1. The mean reflects the central tendency of samples, and the value of Standard Deviation reflects the dispersion tendency of samples. Questionnaire is designed within 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 to 5. 1 means completely disagree on the statement, and 5 means completely agree on the statement. To put in another way, the higher the value the SPETs gain, the higher identification of teachers’ identity is. Therefore, the specific analysis of SPETs’ identity are showed as following.Table 4-1 shows the general degree of SPETs’ identity of Qingjian County of Shaanxi Province. The mean of special-post English teachers’ total identity is 3.3045, which demonstrates that the overall level of 94 special-post English teachers’ identity is relatively good. In details, the mean of cognition is 4.1534, which indicates that the cognition level of all the SPETs is relatively high. The mean of affection is 2.8530, which shows that the affection level of the SPETs is lower compared with the cognition level. The mean of behavior is 2.4598, which shows that the behavior level of SPETs is the lowest. On the whole, the cognitive level is the highest and the behavioral level is the lowest in three dimensions. It indicates that the identity of SPETs is not balanced in three dimensions.
At present, with the deep implementation of Special-post Teacher Plan, more and more people concern the special-post teachers. They are sometimes confused about their identity due to the special environment where the SPETs teach and live. The author aims to investigate the status of 94 SPETs’ identity from 14 schools in Qingjian County, Shaanxi Province on cognition, affection and behavior by using the methods of questionnaire and interview. Major findings, suggestions and limitations of this thesis are presented in this chapter.According to the results of the questionnaire survey and interview, major findings of this research are showed as follows. Firstly, the degree of the SPETs’ identity needs to be improved. From the data in Table 4-1, the value of mean of the SPETs’ identity is 3.30, which indicates that the overall level of identity recognition of 94 SPETs’ is relatively good. The results of special-post English teachers’ identity showed that the degree of the teachers’ identity needs to be improved. Secondly, the major findings are that the status of the special-post English teachers’ identity in three dimensions are not balanced. Specifically speaking, the highest degree is the cognitive level, the lower degree is the affective level, and the behavioral level is the lowest. Thirdly, the author finds that there is significant difference on different years of teaching in three dimensions. In details, On the cognitive level, the identity of the one-year teachers is lower than that of the two-year teachers and is lower than that of the three-year teachers because of the different recognition in teaching roles, profession and environment. The longer the teachers teach, the more clearly understanding themselves. On the affective level, the affective recognition of the two-year teachers is lower than that of the one-year and the three-year teachers because the two-year teachers reduced their passion to teaching English. On the behavioral level, the identity of the one-year teachers is obvious lower than that of the three-year teachers because the one-year teachers lack of confidence and professional skills and knowledge.
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