JBC: Resources for Authors
Resources for Authors Authors should review the following information before beginning a manuscript submission:
About the JBC
Instructions for authors: A description of JBC’s style and format requirements for manuscripts for review.
Online submission instructions: Information about the online submission process and requirements.
Editorial Policies: An overview of publication policies including editorial guidelines, publication charges, information on the review process.
Papers in Press and Open Access information
Acceptable biological and chemical abbreviations
Abbreviations of units of measurement and of physical and chemical quantities
The Journal of Biological Chemistry is indexed in Medline, PubMed, Index Medicus, the Science Citation Index, Current Contents - Life Sciences, SCOPUS, BIOSIS Previews, Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge, and the Chemical Abstracts Service.
Other information of interest:Copyright Permission: Information for authors who already have published in the JBC and are thinking of reusing the material elsewhere
Guidelines for Preparing Digital Images for Submission
Rapid Inspector: Software used to check your figure files (TIFF or EPS) against JBC standards for format, resolution, color space and other figure requirements before submission to the redactory office
JBC and PubMed: Information for authors on depositing articles in PubMed Central, obtaining PubMed Central IDs and more.
eLetters: Information on submitting letters to the editor.
Language Assistance
Authors who are not native English speakers may appreciate assistance with grammar, vocabulary, and style when submitting papers to the JBC. This can help maximize the accuracy and impact of the journal submission as well as aid in communicating ideas to fellow scientists and the JBC editors and reviewers. Several companies provide revising, editing, and proofreading services for scientific and medical research documents, including:
Please note that neither the JBC nor ASBMB has used these services and, thus, cannot attest to the quality of their work.
Updated August 7, 2015