发布时间:2018-04-19 17:27
本文选题:人才 + 佛教彩塑 ; 参考:《山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2001年02期
【摘要】:山西省遗存的晚唐、五代到明清的佛教彩塑为全国之冠。人为的破坏和风雨的侵蚀使彩塑受到不同程度的损伤。文章认为 ,要使彩塑得到全面保护 ,最重要的是培养一支高水平的专业队伍 ,山西省有培养彩塑专业人才的最佳环境 ,山西大学美术学院应当义不容辞地承担起培养彩塑专业人才的重任。对具体的修复工作 ,作者认为对于造型的修复 ,要集中修复局部损伤的形体 ,保证造型的完整性。对于色彩的修复要依靠现代科技手段与科学家合作 ,从局部色彩入手 ,“修旧如旧” ,使局部修复的色彩同整体色彩相统一。大面积修复受损伤的彩塑是不可取的
[Abstract]:In the late Tang and the fifth generation to the Ming and Qing Dynasties , the Buddhist color of Shanxi Province is the crown of the whole country . The artificial damage and the erosion of wind and rain make the color plastic be damaged by different degrees . In the article , it is important to cultivate a high - level professional team , and the Shanxi University Academy of Fine Arts should take the responsibility of cultivating a high - level professional team . In order to ensure the integrity of the modeling , the author thinks that the restoration of color depends on the modern scientific and technological means and unity of the whole color . It is not advisable to repair the damaged color plastic with large area .
【作者单位】: 山西大学美术学院!山西太原030006
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