[Abstract]:Chinese contemporary art has been changing for several decades, and is developing in the direction of plural and world integration. Under the influence of industrial economy, many new materials, new media and new concepts have been involved, which have made traditional plastic arts such as sculpture and oil painting suffer a fierce impact, and essentially washed away people's inherent aesthetic norms. The plastic arts which only take the visual pleasure as the goal has been unable to satisfy the new era human thought demand, the countless imitation, the use for reference, the collision, the dialogue, brings us the young generation art person is the calm thinking, the introspection and the critique, Reflect on our actions, our attitudes, our outer world, the meaning of our lives. Where are we? And where? This innumerable question also haunts my whole life of confusion, we can not passively stand in the Chinese history and culture today, know little about the things behind, and have no clear vision of the future. In this new contemporary cultural context, I explore the new development context of sculpture art from the combination of the concept of behavioral art and Chinese traditional culture. Finally, getting my own methodology of sculpture art creation-the free experience of life should become the spirit of my artistic creation. Young people should wake themselves up, experience and grasp the pulse of the times, and integrate their artistic life into the blood of Chinese traditional culture.
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