本文选题:艺术产业 切入点:文化产业 出处:《厦门大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 艺术发展为产业已经成为世界各国的共识,本文在对艺术产业总体把握的基础上,侧重于对艺术产业背景下的艺术自身进行定位。所谓艺术产业背景下的艺术定位问题,其实就是探讨和梳理在当代经济、科技高速发展,大众传媒广泛应用,艺术自身不断更新换代,艺术以产业的发展模式渗透到人们生活的每一个角落的大背景下,艺术如何能够避害趋利更好的发展自己?如何能够找寻到自己在当代本该拥有的位置?如何呈现不同艺术形态自身的价值和意义?由此,本文以期为人们能够更好的认识和了解艺术产业背景下的艺术,澄清和总结各种观点,给艺术以公正合理的评价,为各种艺术形态的良性发展提供借鉴。 艺术产业背景下的艺术定位问题不仅是在吸收前人理论的基础上,着眼于在新的社会历史条件下对艺术概念、艺术本质、艺术观等艺术问题以开放的、多元的全新把握和总体看法,更重要的是在此基础对各种不同艺术形态的具体定位分析。这种具体定位主要是从三方面入手:探讨大众艺术的飞速发展及其与精英艺术的优势互补,从而达到艺术产业背景下大众艺术和精英艺术都能获得良性发展的目的;优秀传统民族艺术将何去何从,即面对经济和文化的全球化所带来的对民族文化艺术主权和产权的掠夺与侵犯,如何利用艺术产业真正更好的保护和传承传统民族艺术;现当代新型艺术主要是指在现代高新技术和艺术产业化的双重作用下产生的有别于传统艺术存在方式的全新艺术样式,如设计艺术、网络艺术、动漫艺术等,它们自身作为艺术的安身立命之处何在,即它们艺术的“根”何在、艺术的路能走多远。 这篇论文的主要观点是:艺术发展到今天,以产业化的模式发展自己,以自身与生活的完美融合展示自己,这是艺术自身发展的必然选择和趋势。因此,在多元、开放的全新艺术观基础上,艺术产业背景下的各艺术形态必然在保持自身的艺术特性的前提下,积极的利用艺术产业的各种优势来发展自身。
[Abstract]:The development of art industry has become the consensus of the world, based on the overall grasp of the art industry, mainly located in the background of art industry and the art of their own problems. The so-called art art industry under the background of localization, is to explore and comb in modern economy, the rapid development of Science and technology, widely used in mass media the art of their own art by constantly upgrading the industrial development model to penetrate into people's lives every corner of the big background, how can art bihaiquli develop itself? How to find yourself in the position of contemporary have? How to show the value and significance of different art forms which, itself? In this paper, in order for people to be able to better understand and understand art, clarify and summarize various views, give the art fair and reasonable evaluation, for a variety of Art The benign development of the form can be used for reference.
Under the background of art and art industry positioning is not only on the basis of predecessors' theories, focuses on the new social and historical conditions of the art concept of art, nature, art and other art problems with an open, pluralistic and overall grasp the new view, more important is the analysis in this foundation to various specific location the art form. The specific location is mainly from three aspects: To explore the rapid development of public art and the elite art complementary advantages, so as to achieve the background under the public art and art industry elite art can be a benign development goal; excellent national traditional art will decide on what path to follow economic and cultural, in the face of globalization on the art of national culture sovereignty and property rights infringement and plunder, how to use the art industry is really better protection and inheritance of national traditional art; contemporary new art The main operation is to produce a dual role in modern technology and art of industrialization is different from traditional art forms such as a new style of art, design art, network art, animation art, as art of their own place to settle down where, where is their art, the art of "root" the road can go far.
The main idea of this thesis is: the development of the arts, the mode of industrialization and development of their own, to perfect itself and the combination of life show themselves, this is the inevitable choice and trend of the development of art. Therefore, in the yuan, open the new artistic views on the background of the art industry under various forms of art will maintain their own art characteristic, the advantages of various art industry positively using their own development.
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