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发布时间:2018-04-16 00:37

  本文选题:巴尔虎 + 使用品 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2013年硕士论文

【摘要】:巴尔虎人在漫长的历史进程和悠久的游牧生活当中,以自己的聪明智慧创造了独具特色的文化艺术,成为蒙古族大家庭和祖国文化宝库中的一个重要组成部分,而游牧生活和秩序主要以图形的方式凝固为视觉形态,既有美化生活、传递信息的实用功能,也有表现精神需要、情感需要的审美意识。 当今国内外学者和艺术家特别关注蒙古民族文化。但是在他们的研究成果里,能够看出,他们忽略了蒙古族各部落之间的文化差异和特征。实际上蒙古族包括很多部落(即科尔沁、乌珠穆沁、鄂尔多斯、巴尔虎、奈曼等28个部落),其实各部落之间的生活习俗和地域的不同,他们所日常的生活用品也变成了不同风格和特征。尤其巴尔虎部落的使用品在悠久的历史长河当中逐渐成为最具特色的蒙古族文化的组成部分。 我国是以少数民族组成的大家庭,每一个少数民族都有各自优秀的传统文化。伟大的文学家鲁迅先生曾说过:“越是民族的就越是世界的”,这个名言多年来一直被国人奉为经典。如今有很多例子证实鲁迅先生的这一名言,比如日本动漫大师宫崎骏的作品不仅在日本国内、也在国际上得到广泛赞誉,不仅得到小孩儿童的喜欢,还让许许多多的成年人为之倾心。巴尔虎著名歌唱家宝音德力格尔,1955年在波兰华沙举行的第五届世界青年联欢节上,用她那清澈明亮的歌喉,演唱了巴尔虎长调《辽阔的草原》,获得了世界金质奖,,为祖国争得了荣誉。这些例子已经证明了民族文化的重要性,尤其是能看到巴尔虎蒙古族文化在世界文化宝库当中的重要地位。巴尔虎蒙古族文化是中国少数民族文化的组成部分,也是草原文化的重要组成部分。所以挖掘和研究巴尔虎蒙古族文化是对草原非物质文化的传承和传播很有必要的,从而也弘扬了中国文化。 本文从绘画学、民俗学、图样等不同角度出发,走访以及查阅相关文献资料等方法,结合巴尔虎蒙古民族的生活习俗、宗教信仰等传统文化因素,梳理和探究传统巴尔虎蒙古包、勒勒车、服饰等使用品图样特征,从而总结和归纳出传统巴尔虎使用品的色彩、外形特征和审美价值。 全文结构采用了对巴尔虎部落的浅释、巴尔虎人日常使用品的结构特征的叙述、横向(与其他部落)比较等三个方式。从而采集提炼出巴尔虎蒙古族在久远的历史长河中积累起来的文化精神。在撰写过程中,主要选择了极具代表性的日常使用品进行了分析和研究。 巴尔虎部落在漫长的历史岁月中用自己勤劳的双手、独特的传统文化和独具特色的美学思想创造出灿烂的使用品文化。本人从小生活在内蒙古草原,在浓郁的民族文化氛围中成长,对此本人深有体会,这也是撰写这篇论文的原动力。
[Abstract]:The Baerhu people in the long historical process and long nomadic life, with their own wisdom to create a unique culture and art, a Mongolian family and country culture in an important part of the nomadic life and order in a graphical way mainly changed into visual forms, not only beautify life transfer of information, practical function, but also the performance of spiritual needs, emotional needs and aesthetic consciousness.
The domestic and foreign scholars and artists pay special attention to ethnic culture in Mongolia. But in their study, can be seen, they ignore the cultural differences between the Mongolian tribes and the characteristics of the Mongolian tribes. In fact many (i.e. Ujumuqin, Horqin, Ordos, Baerhu, Naiman and other 28 tribes, in fact) among the tribes living customs and regional differences, their daily life activities into different styles and characteristics. Especially Baerhu tribes use the product in the long history of Mongolian culture has gradually become part of the most characteristic.
Our country is in the minority community, every ethnic group has its own outstanding cultural traditions. The great writer Mr. Lu Xun once said: "the more the nation the more the world", the famous Chinese people over the years has been regarded as a classic. Now there are many examples to confirm this Mr. Lu Xun said, such as the Japanese animation master Hayao Miyazaki's works not only in Japan, has been widely praised in the world, not only love child children, also let many adults to fall in love. Baerhu famous singer Jiabao tone Delixi Nagel, held in 1955 in Poland Warsaw fifth World Youth Festival on the day, with her bright and clear voice, sang Baerhu long "the vast grassland", won the world gold medal, won the honor for the motherland. These examples have proved the importance of national culture, especially To be able to see the important position of Baerhu Mongolian culture in the world culture. The Baerhu Mongolian culture is a part of culture Chinese of ethnic minorities, but also an important part of the grassland culture. So the exploration and research of Baerhu Mongolian culture is the inheritance and transmission of grassland intangible culture is very necessary, so but also to promote the China culture.
This article from the painting, folklore, different angle pattern of visits and access to relevant documents and other methods, combined with the Baerhu Mongolia ethnic customs, religious belief and other traditional cultural factors, sort out and explore the traditional Baerhu Mongolia bags, clothing and other products using LeLeChe, pattern characteristics, so as to summarize the traditional Baerhu use the product color, shape features and aesthetic value.
The structure of the Baerhu tribes explanation, structural characteristics of the Baerhu people daily use of the narrative, the horizontal (with other tribes) three way. So as to collect the refined cultural spirit of Baerhu Mongolian accumulated in the long history. In the writing process, the main choice of the representative products of daily use are analyzed and studied.
The Baerhu tribes with their industrious hands in the long years of history, the unique traditional culture and unique aesthetics to create brilliant use of cultural goods. I grew up living in the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, grew up in the rich national culture atmosphere, which I understand, this is the original motivation of writing this paper.



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