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发布时间:2018-07-08 15:32

  本文选题:动画 + 市场化 ; 参考:《中国广播电视学刊》2006年06期

【摘要】:正考察目前中国动画产业资本运作的现状,计划经济模式的痕迹尚未完全消退,资本要素配置的市场化程度低,产业投资存在着一系列问题,表现为投资理念不够清晰,投资渠道不够通畅,投资体系不够完善,投资模式不够丰富,投资产权不够明晰,投资效益不够明显,投资回报不够理想等。由此造成了两方面的后果:一方面,投资盲目化,投资主体缺乏投资理性。一些社会资本未经可行性论证,在“动画热”中盲目进入动画产业,由于动画产品生命周期长,投资主体未能及时得到盈利回报,因而陷入尴尬境地。另一方面,投资恐惧化,投资主体缺乏投资热情。社会资本对投资素以“烧钱”著称的动画产业观望徘徊,动画产业的资本市场看似热热闹闹,其实真正进入其产业领域的社会投资并不多,尤其是缺乏大规模的民营资本进入。巨额社会资金在资本市场投资无门和动画产业因投资缺乏而嗷嗷待哺的反差型状况同时存在。中国动画产业资本市场的这一弊端最终导致的是产业投资严重不足,制约了产业的规模化发展; 更为严重的是使得中国动画生产制作缺乏充足的经费,使其质量不高,缺乏竞争力,回收投资困难,这反过来又制约了产业资金的投入,造成恶性循环。
[Abstract]:We are investigating the current situation of capital operation of animation industry in China. The trace of planned economy model has not completely disappeared, the marketization of capital elements is low, and there are a series of problems in industrial investment, which are not clear enough. The investment channel is not smooth, the investment system is not perfect, the investment mode is not rich enough, the investment property right is not clear enough, the investment benefit is not obvious enough, the investment return is not ideal and so on. This has resulted in two consequences: on the one hand, blind investment and lack of investment rationality. Without feasibility demonstration, some social capital blindly entered animation industry in "animation craze", because animation product life cycle is long, investment main body can not get profit return in time, so fall into awkward situation. On the other hand, investment fear, investment subject lack of investment enthusiasm. Social capital wait-and-see to the animation industry, which is famous for its "burning money". The capital market of animation industry seems to be hot and noisy, in fact, the social investment really entering its industrial field is not much, especially the lack of large-scale private capital to enter. Huge amount of social capital in the capital market investment door and animation industry due to the lack of investment and hungry for the contrast between the situation. This drawback of China's animation industry capital market ultimately leads to a serious shortage of industrial investment, which restricts the large-scale development of the industry. What is more serious is the lack of sufficient funds for the production and production of animation in China, which makes the quality of animation production low. Lack of competitiveness, investment recovery difficulties, which in turn restricted the investment of industrial funds, resulting in a vicious circle.


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8 李晓U,




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