[Abstract]:In today's world, the competition between countries is not only the hardware equipment in political, economic and military aspects, but also on the software equipment of culture. The integration of culture and economy is becoming more and more closely. The animation industry is a new industry with creativity as the main body. The core component of the animation industry is human innovation thinking, and it is a low carbon environmental protection. No pollution industry. As a new kind of cultural industry, the animation industry has great development space and market potential. The specialty of this industry is that the profit of the industry is not to be sold and played by animation and comic itself, but by the derivatives of the downstream industry chain to make money.
Zhongshan is the birthplace of the national game entertainment industry, which has now become the largest production base of game amusement machines in the country, with the industrial output value of 2 billion 500 million yuan. The Zhongshan government takes the animation industry as a high-tech industry and takes it as a new benchmark for economic development. However, the animation industry in Zhongshan has always been based on processing, without a set of finished products. The whole industrial development model can only be made by manufacturing and producing animation downstream derivatives to achieve economic profits. It is this historical model that leads to the abnormal development of Zhongshan in the lower reaches of the animation industry and lays a good foundation for the development of cartoon industry. Relying on this advantage, the animation creation development in the forefront of the industrial chain has a very broad space. Therefore, according to the unique industrial characteristics of Zhongshan, the development of animation industry must take the mode of industrial chain inversion to quickly form the development ideas of animation industry chain with Zhongshan characteristics.
Based on the theoretical literature research, case analysis and analysis, the definition and characteristics of animation, cartoon, animation industry and animation industry chain are studied, and the competitiveness of the animation industry in Zhongshan, the opportunities for development and the shortcomings and challenges of the industry itself are analyzed in detail, and a large number of literature investigations and cases are carried out. This paper focuses on how to build the core of Zhongshan animation industry development model, and puts forward a suitable model for the development of animation industry in Zhongshan through the study of the main links of the animation industry chain, the influence factors and the industrial policy.
The first chapter of this study is the introduction of the introduction, introducing the background of the topic, the research development status, the purpose and significance of this study; the second chapter respectively defines the concept of animation, comic, animation industry and animation industry chain; the third chapter uses the means of horizontal contrast to the industrial development of the three big animation kingdoms in the United States, Japan and Korea respectively. The model is analyzed, and the Chinese animation industry is analyzed, and the development experience worthy of reference is summed up. The fourth chapter is a review of the development history of the animation industry in Zhongshan. The fourth chapter is a review of the development history of the animation industry in Zhongshan, and the fifth chapter is the detailed analysis of the current situation and shortcomings of the animation industry in Zhongshan. The key point of this thesis is to analyze the model of SWOT and Potter diamond in the animation industry of Zhongshan. It is concluded that the animation industry in Zhongshan has strong competitiveness and market development potential. On the basis of the analysis of the previous chapters, through the research on the main links of the animation industry chain, the influence factors and the industrial policy, how to build Zhongshan The core of the animation industry development model puts forward the development mode of the animation industry with Zhongshan characteristics - the reverse cycle development model, according to the proposed development model and the corresponding development strategy of the development of this model with the long tail theory. Finally, the sixth chapters summarize the conclusion and research of the full text. Deficiencies.
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