[Abstract]:The creative and guiding research of cultural products refers to the stand of sticking to and publicizing the core value system and satisfying the diverse spiritual and cultural needs of the masses of society, through laws and regulations, principles and policies, propaganda, education, market regulation and control, and media criticism. Audience feedback and other means to investigate, evaluate, inspect and guide the creation and production of various cultural products, including cultural creativity, film and television production, publishing and distribution, printing and reproduction, performing and entertainment, digital content and animation, etc. To make cultural products continuously attract local and overseas audiences with profound national characteristics, strong local characteristics, due scientific and technological content and strong artistic appeal, and continue to inherit and innovate national folk culture with a large number of fine cultural and artistic works. Maximize the role of culture to guide society, educate the people and promote development. By reviewing and combing the research status of cultural product creativity and guidance at home and abroad, this paper puts forward the main ideas and basic framework of cultural product creativity and guidance research.
【作者单位】: 北京大学艺术学院;北京大学文化产业研究院;
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8 蒋祖p,