[Abstract]:"Animation Industry" is creative as the core, animation, comic as the form of expression, including animation books, newspapers, movies, television, audio and video products, Development, production, publication, broadcasting, performance and sale of direct animation products such as stage plays and new animation products based on modern information dissemination technology, as well as clothing, toys, food, video games, theme parks related to animation images, Exposition, virtual spokesman and other derivative products production and management of the industry. There is a market size of about 15 billion RMB for animation related products in China, about 70% of which will be generated by anime peripheral products. Animation products around the prosperity of the prospects for the emergence of a large number of animation startups. Operators of animation shops, as long as the appropriate location, animation peripheral products can be 100-300% of the high profits. Animation derivative products it is the most important part of animation products, mainly including animation related games, clothing, toys, food, stationery supplies, theme parks, playgrounds, commodities, decorations and so on, a wide range, There are also a wide range of products. It can be said that it is everywhere in life, there is no doubt that it is a large industry. From the point of view of product design, this paper puts forward the new rules of animation derivative product design based on the analysis of instinct layer, behavior layer and reflection layer.
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