[Abstract]:In this study, 160 children aged 3 to 6 years old from two kindergartens in Changchun were selected as the objects of the animated film "Happy Sheep and Grey Wolf" in recent years, and the role identity of the cartoon "Happy Sheep and Big Wolf" was analyzed in two kindergartens in Changchun. In the investigation, on the one hand, from the psychological characteristics of children's cognitive development, to understand whether the children's character design in the cartoon accords with the children's cognitive psychological characteristics; on the other hand, to interview the children's identity with the characters in the cartoon. In the interview, the role identification was analyzed from three aspects: viewing time, age and sex. The results of investigation and analysis show that: 1. The character design in this cartoon accords with the children's cognitive psychological characteristics, and it is manifested in four aspects: (1) perceiving the emotion of the character, reflecting the emotional susceptibility of the child; That is, children can better recognize and understand the intuitive role emotions they observe and have emotional resonance, (2) identify the role behavior, reflect the children's intuitive surface, that is, children are easy to recognize the behavior they like the role, It is easy to be infected by the behavior issued by these roles, (3) to understand the role goal, to embody the imitation of children, that is to say, children can choose the imitation object according to the purpose of the role they like, (4) to integrate into the role situation, and to reflect the imagination of the child. That is, children will imagine themselves as an animated cartoon of a specific favorite role. 2. There are some differences in the character identity of the children in the cartoon, which are as follows: (1) the degree of identity of the characters is affected by the length of the viewing time, and the children who watch the film frequently, The recognition degree of the characters in the film was higher than that of the children with short viewing time. (2) there were significant differences in the recognition of the characters in the cartoon between the children of different ages and the children of 4-5 years old than those of the children aged 3 years and 6 years. (3) from the gender point of view, Boys prefer the animated characters of war and bravery, while girls tend to prefer the characters of kindness and gentleness. Therefore, the children of different genders have different tendencies in the recognition of the characters of the film.
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