[Abstract]:Network fantasy novel is a popular literary style in recent years. This literary form subverts the narrative mode and appreciation habits of traditional literature in a certain dimension. Network fantasy novels and tomb-robbing novels, novels of different types, such as traversing novels, are active in various literary websites as well as in various issues of literary periodicals, forming a colorful literary world and all directions. The multi-level satisfies the reader's reading desire and expectation vision. To a certain extent, the choice of content, the style of expression, the plot pattern and the aesthetic tendency of the network fantasy novels have created a fresh wind for the contemporary literary world. The network fantasy novel shows the free aesthetic imagination space by using the unrestrained expression form, and constructs the fantasy story plot in the virtual world to satisfy the readers' aesthetic reading experience. And through the collision of multiple cultures to explore the reality of the aesthetic value of survival pursuit. It is deeply loved by readers, such as the fantasy description of virtual world, the unrestrained and unrestrained aesthetic imagination, the interaction of multi-culture, the dynamic change of text structure, the carnival quality of writing style and the compensatory experience of reading psychology. The content and form of network fantasy novels are very attractive and appealing, which can meet the popular aesthetic requirements of the consumer era, and naturally become the object of commercial speculation and commercial development. Under the stimulation of various commercial interests, the literary websites, which are mainly fantasy novels, have sprung up like bamboo shoots, such as tea, Xiaoxiang Academy, Fiction Network, World Book League, Fiction Reading Network and so on. Website operators use a variety of ways to attract fantasy novel writers to join, they in high pay, high click rate and high popularity of the temptation to start nearly crazy writing, enjoy the favor of many fans and pursuit. With the increasing maturity and development of the network literature, the paper publishing based on the network fantasy novels is also following the trend, and the film and television works are more and more popular. The development and operation of online games and anime are beginning to take shape. The derivatives of these network fantasy literature form the industry chain of network fantasy novel with great commercial value. Of course, we should also see the problems existing in the network fantasy novels: the utilitarianism of network writing, the repeated prohibition of network piracy, and the growing tendency of creating patterns. Make the reader inevitably or cause spiritual confusion and so on. If these problems can not be solved in time, they will become the roadblock of the development of network fantasy novels. Therefore, it is of great value and significance to explore and study the aesthetic tendency, aesthetic appeal, commercial value and development trend of network fantasy novels.
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