[Abstract]:This paper focuses on the role of cultural marketing in dynamic zone brand shaping. The dynamic zone has been developed for nearly 8 years since it was founded in 2003. It has experienced three stages: the initial stage of brand, the period of brand growth and the period of brand maturity. Brand value content also adapted to the 2G to 3G transformation from "Youth Communications Autonomous region" to "Youth Life Autonomous region." Cultural marketing, as a means of integrated marketing, runs through every stage of brand development in the dynamic zone. By transmitting brand personality and brand connotation, promoting brand awareness, brand quality recognition, brand association, brand loyalty, Building brand culture plays an important role in brand shaping in dynamic zone. There are four chapters in this paper, the introduction discusses the purpose of the study, literature review and the theoretical basis of this study. The second chapter defines the concept of cultural marketing, discusses the development of brand in the dynamic zone, and then from the perspective of the role of cultural marketing in the brand life cycle and the contribution to brand culture construction. To explore the cultural marketing of dynamic zone brand shaping. The third chapter explains the way of culture marketing in the dynamic zone. The dynamic zone mainly relies on star culture, alliance brand culture, street dance culture, animation culture and other young popular culture to promote the formation of brand culture. Expand the influence of brand culture. The fourth chapter summarizes the main points of this paper, and puts forward the next research focus.
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