[Abstract]:Guilin, since ancient times, has been an art follower rushing to visit, free creation and search for inspiration of the first choice, in many films and television works are often seen in its trace. For the key point and starting point of curriculum resources development, students should be encouraged to have a thorough understanding of Guilin's rich folk culture and customs, enhance their autonomy in learning, enhance their awareness of innovation, material and intangible cultural heritage protection. We should actively develop digital film and television education, scientifically and rationally explore and utilize Guilin's humanities and scenery resources so as to promote better integration of characteristic resources with digital film and television courses in local colleges and universities.
The National New Curriculum Standard emphasizes "how to give full play to the advantages of curriculum resources when teachers use curriculum standards to promote the healthy development of students", "exploring the relationship between folk art and school art education is one of the important contents of curriculum resources development in the new curriculum reform". After the promulgation of the three-level curriculum management policy, teachers are even more affected. It emphasizes to be the developer and innovator of curriculum resources, and the main role of students in the development of curriculum resources has been paid more and more attention.
This study is divided into five parts: the first part is the preface, including the origin and significance of the topic, domestic and foreign research on the relationship between folklore, film and television and folk customs, as well as the combination of the author's on-the-spot investigation and shooting of the research methods; the second part is the classification of Guilin digital film and television community folk resources development, the main. If the logical concept and classification of Guilin digital film and television professional community folk resources are analyzed and explained, at the same time, from the characteristics of Guilin folk resources, folk culture roots - primitive beliefs, Guilin colorful folk culture three aspects are explained; The third part is Guilin digital film and television professional community folk custom. Through the analysis of the data of the questionnaire (student paper), the author analyzes the common problems of resources entering the classroom, and refers to the development of "the first Guilin Animation Festival" and the artistic features of some of the works to lead to the implementation of local folk resources into the classroom. The fourth part is the case of Guilin digital film and television community folk resources into the classroom scenario "to carry out the fellow teachers and students of Guilin folk culture inspection tour - into the resources County'River Lantern Song Festival'" analysis, and on this basis, combined with the actual interview of local river lantern artists to study and explain the situation. The fifth part is the conclusion, and also points out the shortcomings of this study.
In the research, the author mainly centers on "the development and utilization of folk culture resources in Guilin Digital Film and Television Community Course Resources". The main research methods are investigation, documentary research, observation and research, and cross-disciplinary research methods referring to the knowledge of "folklore" about the definition and classification standards of folk activities. The research method is to explore how to rationally develop the local folk culture film and television resources, and gradually improve the national culture connotation of the course teaching, from small to large, from point to point, in the hope of contributing a little bit to promote the common development of the film and television major of Guangxi universities and Guangxi national culture and art, and to improve the quality of professional personnel training. At present, the boundaries between the animation major and the digital film and television major are still relatively blurred, so the author will also cover the animation major in the field of digital film and television.
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