[Abstract]:Animation industry is an important part of cultural creative industry, known as the sunrise industry in the 21 st century. Animation industry can promote scientific and technological progress, increase employment, promote industrial structure adjustment and upgrading, and enhance national cultural soft power. At present, the global animation industry to form the United States, Japan, South Korea three-foot market pattern. For a long time, China's huge animation market by the United States, Japan, South Korea and other export countries of animation occupied. Although China's animation industry started late, but in recent years under the strong support of national policies, rapid development, at the same time more and more domestic research on the animation industry, but involving less empirical analysis. Through reading a large number of documents, this paper reviews and analyzes the comprehensive research results of domestic and foreign experts and scholars on the animation industry, abstracts the influencing factors of the development of China's animation industry, and constructs the theoretical framework model of the influencing factors of the development of China's animation industry. The related research hypotheses are put forward, and the influencing factors system is revised by expert interview, pre-investigation and so on, and the final questionnaire is formed. Then for Fuzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou three cities animation companies in senior management research. To collect the data, use SPSS software to carry on the analysis. The specific analysis process includes: reliability and validity analysis to test the reliability and effectiveness of the questionnaire, through the correlation analysis, it is proved that there are six major factors and animation industry development has a positive correlation; Regression analysis was used to verify the validity of the research assumptions in the model. The results show that the factors of production, market demand, animation companies and government behavior are the key factors affecting the development of China's animation industry. The intermediary service platform and the industrial environment have an impact on the development of China's animation industry, but the impact is not significant. That is, not a key factor. Finally, based on the results of empirical research, combined with the current problems in the development of animation industry in China, put forward targeted suggestions, and pointed out the shortcomings and prospects of this study.
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