[Abstract]:At present, the progress of computer hardware and graphics is getting faster and faster, which leads to the expansion of the scope of use of computer animation. One of the important factors that affect the effect of animation production is that animation rendering requires a lot of procedures and energy. So in this process, cluster technology is used, and it is gradually integrated to set up a cluster rendering system. This will largely deal with the dilemmas in the animation process, and can effectively improve the effectiveness of the work. The cluster rendering system can realize the conscience operation of all resources, optimize the configuration, and be responsible for the tasks related to the system. It can efficiently improve the rendering speed and rendering range. Deadline, is a series of applications whose main purpose is to be responsible for the efficient use of cluster rendering systems. However, due to the differences in the use of the environment, it is to some extent incomplete, with some defects. Therefore, this article mainly starts from the Deadline aspect to analyze the cluster rendering system which is formed according to this application program, and finds the existing problems in the system, and corrects the deficiencies, so that it can fully play its role. Reach the required level of application. Therefore, in the beginning part, this paper mainly introduces the composition, processing steps and characteristics of cluster rendering system, and explains the concrete use of visualization technology in the process of cluster rendering supervision according to the steps of this system in dealing with problems. It mainly shows in three aspects: system state information, job state and rendering result. The overall requirements of the monitoring process are introduced, and the steps of the system application are pointed out. This paper also makes a detailed analysis of the important functions of the system, and creates related functional modules based on this, focusing on two modules: load information collection module and job information collection module. Furthermore, this paper analyzes the mainstream techniques and methods in the field of animation rendering in the advanced world, and mainly studies the composition, characteristics and processing steps of the cluster rendering system, as well as the related rendering management techniques. For example, rendering task allocation management technology and cross-platform synchronous rendering technology are studied, and their problems are analyzed. The main problems are the inability to calculate the resource consumption and related expenses, and for some animation software, the heterogeneous platform can not play a role. There is no reasonable way to adjust resources. According to the current development needs, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of the cluster rendering system cost calculation technology and cross-platform rendering technology, analyzes the development needs, creates ideas and concrete ways, and concretely arranges and tests its extended application.
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