[Abstract]:The Chinese School of Animation, represented by a large number of animated works, which were frequently awarded awards at domestic and international film festivals in the 1950s, 1960s and 1980s, in the course of several decades of development, in their own unique production mode, Formed a unique artistic style and distinctive aesthetic characteristics. In terms of ideological content, the cultural tradition of "carrying the Tao in the text" and the social responsibility consciousness of the creators on the one hand make the content of the animation works of the Chinese school pure and have no adverse effect. On the other hand, the distinctive enlightenment consciousness also makes the animation works of the Chinese School show the characteristics of narrow theme and thin theme. In terms of artistic spirit, the rich artistic style in Chinese traditional culture and the aesthetic pursuit and artistic spirit contained in many arts provide the nourishment of artistic spirit for the animation of Chinese school. Because of the influence of folk art and literati art, the animation works of Chinese school not only have the profound atmosphere but also the high artistic conception. The distinctive national style of art and the core of national spirit are the fundamental reasons for the "Chinese School" animation works to become a school of their own, and also the valuable wealth that can not be ignored in the process of developing the animation industry better. In the system, the main time environment for the growth of the Chinese school is the planned economy period. In the non-commercial and non-market-oriented operating environment, the "Chinese school" lacks the market concept, the awareness of commodity propaganda and packaging, and the mature market operation experience. This has brought some difficulties to our industrialization today. In today's world, in the tide of industrialization, as a highly valued cultural and creative industry, under the increasingly relaxed policy environment, The revival of Chinese School needs to improve the quality of animation works and establish a perfect commercial operation model.
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