[Abstract]:On Nov. 4, 2009, the project of Shanghai Disney theme Park was officially approved by relevant state departments, and Shanghai was formally incorporated into the global map of Disney theme Park. This important event is bound to bring a certain impact on the domestic animation industry. And SMG animation sector as Shanghai animation industry leader, will bear the brunt, directly with Disney in the same market competition. This paper focuses on the impact of Disney's residence in China on the SMG animation sector. First of all, Disney settled in Shanghai to bring SMG animation sector development opportunities: Disney settled in Shanghai directly expanded the capacity of Shanghai animation market, help SMG animation sector in the competition to speed up their own development; Disney's presence in Shanghai will help the SMG animation sector enhance the impact of its channels by taking advantage of the travel opportunities offered by Disney theme parks. Taking Disney's residence in Shanghai as an opportunity, the SMG animation sector can learn advanced product concepts and management experience in direct competitive contact. But at the same time, we also need to wake up to the fact that Disney's entry into Shanghai will bring great competitive pressure to the SMG animation sector: the SMG animation sector will face more severe pressure to divert audience resources; SMG animation sector needs more to face the pressure brought by the capital market; SMG animation sector will face more intense animation film scheduling and end-line resources competition and so on. On the premise of analyzing and studying the opportunity and pressure brought by Disney residence to SMG animation section, the author puts forward the corresponding strategy of SMG animation section to deal with Disney's entry into Shanghai from the macro and micro levels. The possible results of the implementation of the strategy are predicted and analyzed.
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