发布时间:2019-05-20 13:18
【摘要】:正中国动漫图书十年间 (1995—2005)取得了 引人瞩目的成就,可谓图书类的 “新军”崛起。经历了改革开放初 期以引进外版为主的“被动启蒙 阶段”,到“51551程”(即“中国 儿童动画出版工程”)力争以本土 图书为主的“主动自觉阶段”,再 到21世纪初的“初具气候阶段”, 中国动漫事业正在开辟“更上一 层楼”的未来。因此,在十年将逝, 新岁将至之时,回顾以往,总结经 验,展望未来,,再创佳绩,就显得十 分必要、重要了。 一、动漫出版十年之 总现状 我们这里所提到的“动漫”, 最初是从“卡通”一词转化而来 的。“卡通”有两种解释,一是指漫 画,一是指动画片和连环画。在18
[Abstract]:In the past ten years (1995 / 2005), Chinese animation books have made remarkable achievements, which can be described as the rise of the new army of books. It has gone through the "passive enlightenment stage" of introducing foreign edition at the beginning of reform and opening up, and to the "active conscious stage" of "51551 Cheng" (that is, "Chinese Children Animation Publishing Project"), which strives to focus on local books. By the beginning of the 21st century, the Chinese animation industry is opening up the future of "Please go up to a tall building". Therefore, when ten years are about to pass and the new year is approaching, it is necessary and important to look back on the past, summarize the classics, look forward to the future, and achieve good results again. First, the general situation of animation publishing in the past ten years. The "animation" we mentioned here was originally transformed from the word "cartoon". Cartoons have two interpretations, one is casual painting, the other is cartoons and comics. At 18
[Abstract]:In the past ten years (1995 / 2005), Chinese animation books have made remarkable achievements, which can be described as the rise of the new army of books. It has gone through the "passive enlightenment stage" of introducing foreign edition at the beginning of reform and opening up, and to the "active conscious stage" of "51551 Cheng" (that is, "Chinese Children Animation Publishing Project"), which strives to focus on local books. By the beginning of the 21st century, the Chinese animation industry is opening up the future of "Please go up to a tall building". Therefore, when ten years are about to pass and the new year is approaching, it is necessary and important to look back on the past, summarize the classics, look forward to the future, and achieve good results again. First, the general situation of animation publishing in the past ten years. The "animation" we mentioned here was originally transformed from the word "cartoon". Cartoons have two interpretations, one is casual painting, the other is cartoons and comics. At 18
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1 李际侗,赵子凡;少儿图书工作对学校教育的意义和作用[J];图书馆建设;1983年04期
2 李承祖;少儿图书出版喜忧参半[J];w