[Abstract]:In recent years, the term animation industry has become one of the topics that more and more people are keen to discuss. Not only a large number of people participate, but also the country is gradually paying attention to increasing investment and support. For a while, animation industry base, colleges and universities set up animation disciplines all over the country, the word animation has become the most popular word. However, in such an environment, the domestic animation industry has not reversed the embarrassing situation. After the establishment of animation base has not formed an orderly and effective market industry chain for the development of animation industry, but the continuous expansion of college animation professional enrollment makes the problem of finding a job more contradictory and intensified. The feverish commercial investment, the strict examination and approval mechanism of the state, the restriction and monopoly of the broadcasting platform, the simplification and plagiarism of foreign animation works, or become the processing factory of foreign animation. Original animation companies due to the increasingly difficult problem of industrial returns and other status quo exposed the animation industry behind the cold. How can animation industry really become an industry? How can cartoons get into the sight of the domestic audience and be recognized by the majority of people? These are the problems that all those involved in the animation industry need to solve together. Now the development of animation can not be separated from the word business, whether in the United States or Japan's animation industry has a sound marketing strategy and investment industry chain. However, such a development model is not directly applicable to the domestic market at this stage. At present, the development of domestic animation is still in its infancy, it takes time to form the same mature industrial mechanism as Japan and the United States under such conditions. The initial stage of animation development is the continuous exploration of creators, including the exploration of production methods, media forms, innovation and purpose, and so on. This exploration is the early experiment, in the course of the experiment found a variety of different media forms, production methods, such as the change of lines to black and white effects into color, and then to the image of static frame with the innovation of technology into a dynamic picture. Up to now, with the increasing innovation of computer graphics technology and interaction technology, the media and mode of experiment are constantly changing, but the purpose of the experiment is constant. Many creators are constantly looking for artistic and technical breakthroughs in animation creation. Drawing lessons from the experience of animation development in other countries, we can see the significance of experimental animation in the initial stage of development. Clive Bell said in Art: "in each work, the lines and colors combined in some unique way, the specific form and form relationship stimulate our aesthetic emotion." I call these combinations and relationships of lines and colors, as well as these aesthetically moving forms, 'meaningful forms'. It is the kind of commonness that all visual art works have. "1 this paper intends to study the expression of the relationship between lines and colors and space in experimental animation. A complete animation needs not only unique style and form of expression, but also the content and spirit that the author wants to convey to the audience, in short, the combination of form and meaning. Animation works as a part of visual art works, animation creators in the process of creating animation works can use "meaningful form" to express the emotional connotation of the works. Since such works can arouse the aesthetic experience that the audience generally resonates with, their forms-including the lines, colors and other basic elements used by the creators, as well as the understanding of spatial relations, must be worthy of our analysis and learning.
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