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发布时间:2019-07-05 17:52
【摘要】:笔墨应随时代,我们的思维必须跟上甚至超过时代的步伐。对于善于博览众长的优秀艺术家来说,不同的艺术表现语言互相吸收借鉴已是一种共识。在现在多元化的文化语境下,当代的水墨人物绘画正在受着各类相似艺术的影响,国画艺术家们力图为画面注入新的表达语言,着眼于动漫形象的艺术表现力不失为一条可供选择的新道路。 随着大众文化的到来,传媒技术的发展,使动漫产业具有了无可比拟的强大生命力和优势。动漫形象因其随处可见、可感、可知,正在潜移默化中影响着人们的思维和生活。但目前我国动漫产业却不容乐观,优秀作品乏善可陈,对外国作品的抄袭,照搬,不成功的借鉴使动漫现状更加混乱不堪,要想改变这种现状,就要从动漫的核心要素——形象入手,而如何使动漫形象艺术化、民族化是目前摆在动漫艺术家面前的重要课题。越来越多的有志于振兴中国动漫的原创动漫人才已经意识到传统文化对于中国当代动漫创作的意义。发掘水墨艺术这一传统文化符合时代对本土动漫的要求。 本文的第一章主要通过对水墨人物画与动漫的简述来了解水墨人物形象与动漫人物形象,在第二章讲当代水墨人物形象与动漫人物形象互鉴的意义,本文的重点放在第三章,着重探寻当代中国水墨人物形象与动漫人物形象互鉴的路径,,最后第四章,谈当代水墨人物形象与动漫人物形象互鉴的未来思考。
[Abstract]:The pen and ink should follow the times, and our thinking must keep up with and even surpass the times of the times. It is a common understanding that different artistic expression languages can be used for reference for excellent artists who are good at all-in-the-art. In the present diverse cultural context, the contemporary ink-ink figures are being influenced by all kinds of similar art, and the artists of the Chinese painting are trying to inject new expression language into the picture, and the artistic expression of the animation image is an alternative new road. With the arrival of the mass culture and the development of the media technology, the animation industry has a strong vitality and advantage The image of the animation, as it can be seen everywhere, can be felt, and it can be seen that the people's thinking and life are being influenced in the process of moving away. But at present, the animation industry in our country is not optimistic, the outstanding works are not good, and the copying, copying and unsuccessful reference of foreign works makes the current situation of the animation more chaotic, and to change this situation, it is necessary to start with the core elements of the animation On the other hand, how to make the image of the animation and the nationalization are the important subjects that are now before the animation artists More and more of the original animation talents with the aim of revitalizing the Chinese animation have realized the significance of the traditional culture to the contemporary Chinese animation creation The traditional culture of water and ink art is in conformity with the requirements of the time on the local animation The first chapter of this paper is to understand the characters of the water and ink and the characters of the animation by the brief introduction of the water-ink figure and the animation. In the second chapter, the author points out the significance of the interaction between the characters of the modern water and the characters of the animation, and the focus of this article is on the third part. Chapter 4: The Future of the Image of the Contemporary Chinese Ink and the Image of the Cartoon


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