[Abstract]:This paper mainly uses statistical method and data mining technology to study the CRM application of electronic commerce website (BtoB and CtoC website). The full text is divided into five parts: the introduction describes the background of the topic, research significance, research content and difficulties encountered in the research and innovation; The first chapter introduces the concept of CRM, background and research status in various industries, and also introduces the development of e-commerce in China and the world, and enumerates the statistical methods and data mining techniques used; The second chapter is the customer care analysis, including: using discriminant analysis to analyze the classification of target customers of BtoB website, through issuing questionnaires, using the quadrilateral graph model to analyze the customer satisfaction of BtoB website; the third chapter is customer experience analysis. It includes the quantitative analysis of the advertising effect of CtoC website and the application of OLAP analysis to the BtoB website Web log to observe the customer's visit preference. Chapter four predicts the development trend of CRM and the application prospect of structure mining and application mining in e-commerce enterprises. At last, the paper puts forward the deep-level idea about the application of CRM on the e-commerce website of trading platform. In this paper, the statistical method is adopted to combine with Web database and Web data mining, and the empirical research is applied to the analytical CRM; of electronic commerce website based on transaction platform. Aiming at the problem of unstructured data of electronic commerce website based on transaction platform, the author tries to establish the basic sub-model and activity model of customer, and convert the unstructured data of target customer into structured data, and do three discriminant analysis respectively. In order to analyze whether the target customer is classified into the same category under different conditions, in order to evaluate the customer satisfaction of BtoB website, a set of perfect and detailed index system of customer satisfaction investigation is designed. For the same type of e-commerce enterprises to provide reference and reference.
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