基于内容的Flash Movies分类研究
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Internet, the network has penetrated into many fields of people's life, becoming an indispensable communication tool, information acquisition tools and entertainment tools. As a new kind of multimedia form, Flash Movie is an important composing element in Internet. Because of its strong artistic expression, simple production, flexible interaction, small file, convenient network propagation and so on, it is widely used in games, animation, MTV, advertisement and teaching courseware in Internet. As a document, PPT, video container appears, its number is increasing, becomes the most important multimedia network information resource at present. The role of Flash Movie resources plays a more and more important role in the field of education. On the one hand, the development of Internet technology makes the publishing and sharing of these Flash Movie resources no longer limited by time and space, and becomes an important way for us to get these resources; but on the other hand, The rich and dynamic update of network resources makes it increasingly difficult for us to find the required Flash Movie resources. As an important aspect of the construction of educational resources, Flash Movie resources have become the research leader of educational technology In the face of more and more Flash movies in the network, how to manage can enable people to find their own resources accurately and conveniently, and become a noticeable question The effective way to solve this problem is to classify it. Through the classification, the efficiency and efficiency of management can be improved greatly by classification and retrieval. Therefore, through the research of the analysis and classification algorithm of Flash Movie content features, this paper aims to establish a content-based Flash Movie classification system, which can realize the automatic classification of Flash Movie. The classification system selects 14 category feature items of Flash Movie to identify the type of a Flash Movie, which are file size, number of deformation, number of graphics, number of text, number of sounds, number of buttons, number of movie clips, number of scripts, number of frames, match degree of game, animation match, degree, MTV matching degree, courseware matching degree and advertisement matching degree, wherein the last five items are text features The selection method not only contains the content features of Flash Movie, but also the text features into the classification system, and realizes the advantages of both. The BP neural network is a multi-layer feedforward network based on error backward propagation algorithm, which is the most widely used neural network model. One. BP neural network is a simple imitation of human brain, but it still has two key features: first, artificial neural network is the same as human brain, it is a complex network composed of several computing unit height connections. The connection between the second and second units and the information processing mode determine the work of the network Through training of samples, BP neural network learns the parameters of connection between neurons, which is mainly the value of each connection and the threshold, which is the learning of the neural network. and finally, inputting the values of each feature item of the Flash Moies to be classified into the learned BP neural network, Don't. The research work and research results of this paper mainly include the following: Aspect: (1) Search the Flash Movie on the Internet, set up a Flash Movie resource database, analyze the category feature elements of Flash Movie in the database and (2) extracting feature vectors of the Flash Movie keywords, calculating the similarity between the Flash Movie and each class, and integrating the similarity into the classes of the Flash Movie. Do not characterize. (3) The study is designed to be suitable for Flash Movi Algorithms for classifying es. (4) Study and analysis about The improved algorithm of BP neural network. (5) On the basis of theoretical research, a content-based Flash Movie classification system is completed and applied to Flash.
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