[Abstract]:In recent years, the activity communication industry has developed vigorously, and the following activity effect has attracted more and more attention. International activity communication industry has been rated as sunrise industry, with high investment, high profitability, short cycle and great influence. Has driven the advertising industry, the catering industry, the financial industry high-speed development. At the same time, with the emergence of brand image design and economic development, the visual image design of activities unconsciously developed. Up to now, the related designs in the theme activities have been developed at different speed in various countries and regions. The countries in Europe and the United States, which have developed the activity communication industry, have naturally led to the rapid development of the related designs. Relative to the world environment, the related design of thematic activities in our country is still in the stage of learning and reference imitation, which can not adapt to the rapid economic development speed, so it is urgent to improve the design theory and practice. International theme activities in the relevant design classification, has emerged the classic brand activities promotion and packaging. For example, the world horticultural exposition, the world science and technology exposition and so on, all have the relatively perfect visual image design system and the brand promotion packing. However, many similar activities, how to achieve unique novelty, need from the theme style, regional elements, characteristics of the times, and other aspects of the definition of visual image. At the same time, the thematic activities, large scale, complex projects, often need to pay attention to the whole, through the visual unified packaging to lead the piecemeal details, to create a whole image. The visual image design of theme activities is a kind of design style which conveys the information of various activities by using the visual graphics and characters of the plane. As a matter of fact, it is designed to convey information through a certain medium, just like advertising and packaging in visual communication. In form, modern active visual image design has added three-dimensional and multi-media forms to display changes. This article uses the graphic design specialized visual terminal image design knowledge, through to the theme activity visual image design essential factor classification, the analysis, the summary, extracts how to achieve the outstanding theme, the innovation, At the same time, complete the theme of visual image design unity. And from the multi-angle, multi-dimensional design development point of view, this paper expounds the integration and cross-border trend of visual image design in thematic activities. Finally, an example is given to verify the identity of visual image to establish the effective help for the packaging and promotion of theme activities, thus providing a valuable reference system for the development of the industry.
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