[Abstract]:First of all, based on the review and summary of the content, the measurement model and the related research of advertising communication effect evaluation, this paper puts forward the basic model of advertising communication effect evaluation based on the basic ideas of DAGMAR and ARF theory model. The model describes qualitatively that the evaluation of advertising communication effect should include five aspects, namely, the evaluation of advertising media effect, advertising communication effect, future purchase action tendency, brand shaping effect and indirect communication effect. At the same time, the model emphasizes the evaluation of the effect of competitive brand advertising communication, that is, interference. Then, the basic model is further subdivided into five parts, and the hierarchical structure evaluation model of advertising communication effect is formed by decomposing it layer by layer. The model is similar to the hierarchical structure model in AHP. The only difference is that the ultimate purpose of AHP is to select the best scheme, so there are some schemes to be selected in the scheme layer. In this paper, the model is established to evaluate the effect of advertising communication, so there is only one advertising communication scheme that has been adopted at the scheme level, which will have an impact on the effect of each level from the bottom up. Considering this similarity, the model is established to determine the weight of each level index according to the calculation method of AHP, but the operational index (questionnaire project) depends on the specific advertisement. Therefore, the determination of the weight of the process of the elaboration in the case part. The core of this paper is the hierarchical structure evaluation model of advertising communication effect and the design of hierarchical index weight. Finally, a hierarchical model is applied to evaluate the effect of TV advertisement communication. According to the communication target of TV advertisement, the weight of each level is determined by AHP, and the relative importance degree of the operational index to the target of advertising communication effect is obtained. Through the investigation, we can know the score of the operational index, multiply the index score with the corresponding weight, and then sum up to get the value of advertising communication effect. However, the evaluation of the communication effect has not been completed at this time, and it is necessary to eliminate the interference effect of the competitive advertising communication, that is, the final value of the advertising communication effect should be the difference value of the calculated value of the advertising communication effect minus the interference effect. The method used in this paper is to find out that the target advertisement score is lower than the competitive advertisement score in the target survey advertisement and the competitive advertisement survey index. The difference between the two is regarded as the interference negative effect of the competitive advertisement, and the sum of all the differences is the total interference negative effect of the competitive advertisement. This paper focuses on the discussion of the ideas and concrete methods of advertising communication effect evaluation, and thinks that through the proposed hierarchical structure evaluation model of advertising communication effect and the calculation method used, the advertising communication effect can be evaluated more accurately.
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