[Abstract]:Since 1998, China's drug regulatory system has mainly undergone two rounds of major reforms, which have changed the situation of China's drug and medical device supervision, which has existed for a long time. It basically realizes the transformation from multi-head dispersion to unified centralization, optimizes the allocation of administrative resources to a certain extent, and improves the efficiency of supervision. However, the problem of drug safety in our country has not been solved effectively, especially in recent years, there have been one after another drug safety problems and related cases. At the same time, the fall of the top officials in drug supervision has also caused the shock and discredit of the whole drug supervision system and the supervision system, coupled with the flood of false advertisements of drugs, repeated prohibitions, and the confusion in the whole drug market, especially in the rural drug market. As the prices of medicines are high and the relations between doctors and patients at all levels are unprecedented, the issue of medical care system and drug safety has become the focus of the world's attention and the headache of the government, and has become a "big mountain" for people's livelihood. It has also become a major obstacle to the construction of a socialist harmonious society. Drug safety problems have exposed the problems existing in the drug supervision and administration system. The inaccuracy of the function orientation of the drug regulatory agency, the unreasonable setting of the institution, the imperfect design of the system, the unscientific decision-making mechanism and other factors are the deep-seated institutional reasons that lead to the problem. There are four parts in this paper. In the introduction part, the author puts forward the research problems, the attitude of the government and the competent department to the drug safety problem of our country, and comprehensively expounds the research results of the domestic scholars. The second part summarizes and analyzes the main problems in the field of drug safety in China. The third part discusses the deep institutional causes of drug safety problems. The fourth part is to perfect the drug supervision system and solve the drug safety problems.
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