[Abstract]:As one of the most popular leisure activities in Europe and the United States, more and more people favor golf courses. Golf has gone beyond the realm of pure sports and has gradually become an industry with great economic benefits. The most important factors in the course of golf course management are the degree of market development and the quality of service, which are closely related to the members. Therefore, it is necessary to study the problems related to the members. Based on the methods of literature, mathematical statistics, expert consultation and questionnaire survey, this paper investigates the basic situation of 15 golf courses in Liaoning Province, and grasps the usage motivation, time and frequency of the members. Focus on the issue of member satisfaction. The purpose of the research is to provide reference for the orderly management of golf courses in Liaoning and even all over the country. After analysis, the following conclusions: 1, Liaoning golf course marketing model there are two, that is, annual card and lifetime membership card. There are only 10 permanent members of the marketing model, that is, life-long membership card, the remaining 5 use these two marketing models at the same time; The service in the course is mainly reflected in the personnel service and the supporting service, among which the personnel service includes advertising, front desk, membership consultant, coach, caddie and security; 2. The characteristics of golf course membership satisfaction in Liaoning Province are: service, marketing, venue environment, system management and harmonious membership. The characteristics of "service" are mainly reflected in the technical level of coaches, the highest demand of members, the strong guiding ability of coaches, the efficiency of service personnel, the diversification of food and beverage choices, the care of coaches for members, and the understanding of members' needs for service personnel. The attitude of service personnel is kind and courteous, and the sincerity and kindness of telephone consultation answer are 9 aspects; "Marketing propaganda" features in the reasonable business hours, membership card price is reasonable, regular games, permanent members of the preferential policies, membership cards available for practical use and consumer guidance and promotion of 6 aspects; The features of "site environment" are characterized by convenient transportation, clean environment, perfect design of barrier-free space, perfect additional facilities, modern equipment decoration and better geographical location of the stadium. The characteristics of "system management" are security maintenance measures timely and comprehensive, emergency measures formulation and supervision strength, and "member harmony" characteristic is reflected in the harmonious relationship among members. 3. The motivation of golf course members in Liaoning Province is mainly to relieve the pressure of work, communicate with friends and colleagues, improve sports ability, amuse oneself, entertain body and mind, and communicate with others. Open up your horizons and satisfy your interests and interests in this project. 4, the number of golf course members in Liaoning Province can be divided into three situations: Dalian Jinshi and other five course members participate in the highest number of times, Dalian Bay Hill and other 7 course members to participate in the middle of the level, Dalian Changxing Island and other three members of the participation of the lowest number of times; Course members use time to play 18 holes per game, followed by 9 holes, while 27 holes and 36 holes are less common.
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