[Abstract]:In the Foreign Investment Industry guidance catalogue, advertising is classified as Category B, allowing joint ventures, partnerships, and no sole proprietorship. (1) the conditions for examination and approval: 1. The parties to the joint venture must be an enterprise legal person of a certain scale, mainly engaged in advertising business; and 2, they shall be able to introduce advanced international advertising production technology and equipment; Ability to train Chinese staff in advertising planning, design, production and management, etc. 5, registered capital is not less than 300000 US dollars. 2. Examination and approval procedures: 1. The Chinese side of the project shall submit the project proposal and feasibility study report to the local industrial and commercial department, and the local industry and commerce department shall report the proposal to the relevant province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government and the Municipal Industry and Commerce Bureau separately listed in the plan after first examination. Examination and transfer to the State Administration of Industry and Commerce for examination and approval; The Chinese side of the project shall submit the project proposal and feasibility report to the competent department of the project, and after examination and approval, the project shall be forwarded to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce for examination and approval. 2. After the State Administration of Industry and Commerce issued the "opinions on the examination and approval of Foreign-funded Advertising Enterprise projects", the Chinese side sent the local foreign trade and economic cooperation department (Ministry of the State Council)
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