[Abstract]:Advertising, as the product of culture, can show the relationship between language and culture more directly, so advertising language is an artistic form with rich cultural color and the characteristics of the times. This paper discusses the Chinese and English advertising language, and reveals the cultural differences in advertising language. Then, the paper analyzes the problems existing in the translation of advertising language, and puts forward some effective methods about the art of advertising translation from the perspective of culture. Because of the global economic integration, advertising language involves a great deal of cultural knowledge. Since the purpose of advertising language is to persuade target consumers to buy their products or services, it is an important task to fully understand the cultural differences between China and the West. This paper analyzes from six aspects: monism and pluralism, collectivism and individualism, implicature and frankness, image and abstraction, consciousness of authority, self-worth of self-efficacy and self-efficacy, quiescence and movement in the way of life. In the translation of Chinese and English advertisements, there are many unsatisfactory examples, some of which even lead to sales setbacks. This paper analyzes the reasons for the problem, mainly because there are also a lot of culture in today's advertising translation, but the translator does not have enough cultural competence, so he is too confined to the surface of the original. In fact, the translation of advertising is not a simple translation of the sentence. Translators should make full use of the knowledge of the target culture and pass on the ideas and concepts behind the sentence, especially the culture, to the target consumers of the target language. Therefore, this paper puts forward effective methods of artistic translation from four aspects, they are the intended target culture orientation in turn, and the succinct and succinct language under the target culture is easy to recite. Apply a variety of rhetorical devices in the target culture and make use of the effective advertising in the target culture.
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