[Abstract]:At present, China is the largest market in the world. With the development of economy, cosmetics industry has become a vigorous and rapidly developing industry, so the domestic demand market of the explosive growth of China's cosmetics industry can be said to be quite sizeable. In particular, the large South Korean cosmetics industry is able to predominate the Chinese market because it is not inferior to the quality and design of foreign famous cosmetics, as well as competitive prices. In addition, the Korean hot wind also played a great role. However, overseas advanced cosmetics companies are also competing to expand the market by rapidly accepting and responding to local regulations and regional characteristics in the Chinese market. The cosmetics industry is like the red-ocean, with many companies in it and more in the future. South Korea's small and medium-sized enterprises brand although it is easy to successfully resident in China, but there are still many problems to be solved. In order to be successful in the future, we must set a long-term goal, train Chinese experts, actively promote product development, circulation, price, advertising, publicity and brand development of localized marketing strategy. That is, the 4-level brand offensive in line with the Chinese commodity market, towards the core goal of Chinese cosmetics consumption, based on different cosmetics from foreign countries to promote a variety of cosmetics. In addition, abide by the conditions of China's trade laws and regulations, attach great importance to China's strict health inspection, as well as localization of production and RD functions, research and implement the price of product development and sales required by the Chinese, Guiding the positive consciousness of contributing strength to the development of China's cosmetics industry. The purpose of the study is to study the changes in the environment of the Chinese cosmetics market and the ways in which people are stationed in China by domestic and foreign cosmetics companies. And on the basis of what form of strategy can be successfully implemented in the future, this paper puts forward the "envy" Chinese resident strategy of Korean Chinese cosmetics. China's entry strategy to organize cosmetics brands of small and medium-sized enterprises in Korea is as follows: first, it is necessary to wait patiently and unswervingly to develop trading objects and expand the market; Second, the marketing strategy of the global brand and the marketing strategy centered on the localization of differentiation; Third, we must continue to develop differentiated products; fourth, products not only for the Korean and Chinese markets, but also for the world, with a world-class brand name; Fifth, ensure the sales base, maximize the use of the existing circulation network, than to ensure that the profits of the sales, more emphasis on ensuring the business network.
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