[Abstract]:Based on the development of China's network economy, the paper points out that the status of the anti-unfair competition law in the network economy has not been duly reflected. In order to make up for this gap, this paper studies the application and perfection of the anti-unfair competition law in the network economy. In addition to the introduction, this article is divided into three parts, with a total of thirty-five thousand words. The introduction part: expounds the writing background and the significance of the topic, and points out the importance of the anti-unfair competition law in the network economy and its value With a great contrast, it is necessary to adapt the anti-unfair competition law in the network economy The first part: firstly, the birth of the network economy is summarized, and it is pointed out that this brand-new economic form plays a very important role in the future life of human beings; secondly, it is necessary for the network society to make a legal norm The conclusion is that the network society can't be separated from the law, and it is urgent to adjust it according to the corresponding laws; and finally, this paper holds that the network economy is the emergence of the network economy, and the change of the economic base The second part: First of all, the emergence of the network economy has also brought many problems and contradictions, and the economic law as a legal department, it has a specific relationship with the economic base than other legal departments The influence of the network economy on the economic law can not be ignored more directly and closely, and the competition situation in the network environment is becoming more and more serious, and the moral quality of the human is not improved correspondingly because of the increasingly severe competition situation in the network environment. People must rely on a more powerful instrument _ law to restrain the behavior of people. Moreover, because the competition is indispensable to the market economy, it is regrettable that the competition has always been unfair competition, so the competition must have a competitive rule Then, it is necessary to apply the legal means to the negative factors in the market competition Otherwise, unfair competition will bring chaos and damage to the development of the social economy. As a new economy, the vitality of the network economy is more fragile, so the anti-unfair competition law is more needed to make the unfair competition act. In order to establish a good competition order for the healthy development of the network economy, the article analyzes the composition of the act of unfair competition from the provisions of the Law of the Anti-Unfair Competition. The paper discusses the feasibility of the application of anti-inappropriate competition law in the network economy. This paper points out the validity of the application of the anti-unfair competition law in the scope of the problem discussed below. In the main part of the subject, the new technology, network advertisement, business, etc. around the network domain name, web design, link and so on are discussed in detail. the secret five aspects may Unfair competition line that can occur And the application and perfection of the corresponding anti-unfair competition law. (I). Inappropriate competition with regard to the name of the domain In the domain name and the trademark, the concept and structure of the domain name are introduced. As a result, the domain name is another right which is different from that of the trade mark. The three theoretical points of the dispute between the domain name and the trademark right, and the author's recognition in that case of the case, On the contrary, it is feasible to apply countermeasures to such disputes. The problem of unfair competition law or trademark law introduces some other countries home and international group the practice of weaving and some of the phases of our country Customs and Excise: In the end, the author is different from each other. The handling suggestions are shown. The conflict between the domain name and the name of the enterprise, the domain name and the domain name is then the author It's also a brief analysis, and the juice's got to be made. Treatment suggestions. Finally, , then a few of the three types of problems are The Law of the Law of the People's Republic of China (2) The act of unfair competition with respect to the web page. First of all, the trademark law, The application and limitation of competition law and copyright law are analyzed and compared, and then It is pointed out that the anti-sweating and the second competition The Scope of the Application of the Competition Law and the Improvement of it A suggestion is made. (3) Unfair competition caused by the link. First, The four forms of the link are listed and their legitimacy is research Secondly, it means that {_} is the meaning of the protection of the legitimate use of the link technology and the prohibition of the 11-2 misuse of the link, and to what law should the unfair competition act arising from the abuse of the link The regulation put forward the suggestion. (4) Inappropriate competition with respect to network advertising to contend for a row Yes. First of all, compare the network advertisement and the traditional) one. the difference, so as to obtain the characteristics of the network advertisement are characterized, and the network advertisement is classified according to the month _, secondly, The paper points out the legal problems brought by the network advertisement, the first is the network's broad information on the person's qualification Question, the other Is the problem of the recessive advertisement; again, for the deficiency
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