[Abstract]:Before the reform and opening up, the retail industry was dominated by a single large department store. With the development of economy, China's retail industry has shown unprecedented prosperity and made great progress. In particular, the implementation of open-shelf shopping supermarket sales form, in order to better meet the diversified shopping needs of consumers. Baixin warehouse supermarket was established in March 2001. At the beginning of its opening, its novel management form was loved by everyone because it met the needs of the local market at that time. With the white heat of retail competition in Baotou area, Baixin warehouse must carry out the research of marketing strategy, clarify the future management thinking of supermarket, so that it can form its own management characteristics. First of all, this paper mainly introduces the marketing development theory, STP theory, marketing combination theory. Based on the research theory, this paper analyzes the situation of retail industry, consumers, competitors and suppliers of Baixin warehouse. Then it analyzes the present situation and problems of enterprise marketing strategy, and makes a comprehensive analysis of Baixin warehouse by using SWOT analysis method. Thus, it provides the basis for the design, selection and construction of the structure, product strategy, price strategy, promotion strategy, brand and service strategy of Baixin warehouse marketing strategy. On this basis, the paper discusses and studies a series of marketing strategy implementation suggestions. Secondly, the marketing strategy of Baixin warehouse is studied. In the product strategy, by strengthening the management of the product and studying the product combination strategy of the supermarket, the supermarket's own product characteristics can be formed. In the study of price strategy, this paper analyzes the influencing factors of supermarket pricing, and clarifies the pricing target of Baixin warehouse and the pricing method should be adopted. In the study of service strategy, it is clear that the norms of strengthening the service process, the training of staff and the importance of customer communication are clear. The implementation of promotion strategy is mainly to adopt advertising, membership promotion, discount and other ways to do a good job of public relations publicity, attract consumers, and establish a good image of Baixin warehouse. Finally, in the process of implementing marketing strategy, we should strengthen marketing management, adjust the organization of supermarket, strengthen the construction of staff, do a good job of information feedback and analysis on the implementation of marketing strategy, and find that the problems can be corrected in time. So that the marketing strategy can be implemented. Through the research of marketing strategy, combined with the actual situation of Baixin warehouse and the marketing strategy of competitors, Baixin warehouse can make its own position clear in the competition, and put forward the corresponding marketing strategy. The marketing strategy obtained from the study will have a certain guiding role in the future marketing activities of Baixin warehouse, and will continue to improve in the real competition.
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