[Abstract]:With the strong support of the Party and the country, the rural economic and social development of our country will have a great leap, and the economic and social development is usually accompanied by a great demand, which also means that the rural market will become the new service blue sea in the advertising design industry. To carry out the advertisement design business in the countryside, the first task is to deeply understand the contemporary rural society and analyze the real demand. At present, the rural area has the characteristics of being in the consumption upgrading and upgrading stage, the consumption has the characteristics of strong benefit from the public, the net purchase is obvious, the productive demand is remarkable, the advertisement design facing the rural area must be easy to understand, close to the ground gas, to pay attention to the actual situation, and to be in an appropriate innovative form, To guide rural consumption.
【作者单位】: 广东农工商职业技术学院;
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