[Abstract]:With the development of advertising industry and the maturity of the market in China, the demand for advertising is increasing. How to arouse shock and identity in the eyes of consumers is the distinct embodiment of corporate advertising charm. Advertising is an important way for enterprises to transmit information and propagandize products to consumers. Advertising plays a more and more important role in modern society. Is an indispensable role in people's lives. To a great extent, it affects people's ideas, culture, art and consumption concepts. Advertising is characterized by product propaganda, cultural innovation, artistic creativity, enlightening people's outlook on life and values. Early advertising is only for the purpose of selling products, but with the development of society and the progress of the times, advertising not only serves enterprises to sell products, but also contains a variety of value orientation and cultural attributes. Modern people like the concept level of fashion, interest, novelty and artistry. Therefore, advertising creativity should gradually change the understanding of consumption mode and consumption concept. While paying attention to product sales, the connotation of creativity also affects consumption behavior. Modern advertising should embody corporate image, cultural concept and brand effect, integrate into social life, affect people's values and interests in life, and meet the maximization of consumer demand. From the point of view of advertising creativity, both business advertising and non-operating advertising should come from life, and give people a strong shock and the most thoughtful connotation with the expression of touching people's hearts. All kinds of advertising creativity and operation space in advertising industry should also consider the influence of society and the concern and thinking of humanities. Relatively speaking, public service advertising is more responsive to the public than commercial advertising. When advertising designers create public welfare advertisements, they can use their rich imagination to impress the public, so that the public can care for the society, care for the environment, care for the friendship and other aspects, mainly based on the fundamental needs of the society, without commercial utilitarian participation. People will face it with a relaxed attitude. Commercial advertising is a work under the overall advertising creativity. It is based on the needs of social enterprises, and it is responsible for the economic effect and brand effect. Modern commercial advertising creativity, can be based on products and services, to provide consumers with the most basic interests, is in line with rational creative expression. Commercial advertising creativity is the unique attribute of the survival and development of advertising industry. In the face of marketing and increasingly complex market environment, advertising designers are facing great creative challenges. If the advertising creative person treats the consumer with the simple traditional view completely, uses some boring words and the absurd idea, not only causes the consumer not to be interested, but also produces the weariness psychology, also does not conform to the new era intelligent development. The concept of brand consumption in the new era is very strong, how to establish a solid image of the enterprise, that is, advertising publicity is not only based on the sale of products, but also consider the long-term brand effect of the enterprise. This requires advertising designers to cultivate and absorb in many aspects at the professional level, to enter strategic specialization, to integrate marketing concepts, to strengthen inter-industry communication and skills, and to promote the expansion of the advertising field. Make people find self-existence in creative products and pursue picturesque habitation in modern society. At the same time, in the blending of advertising and culture, advertising and economy, advertising and environment, and the blending of advertising and science, a kind of intellectual resonance is achieved, thus resulting in spiritual communication. So that people in the careful taste at the same time willing to take out their pockets, not only can enhance the visibility of advertising has also played an unexpected effect.
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