[Abstract]:With the development of global economic integration, Haier, as the leading enterprise in China's household appliances industry, how to carry out international marketing work, especially how to carry out marketing work in developed countries such as the United States, is an important work in front of it. In 2010, Haier brand won the first household appliance brand in the world with a 6.1% market share of white appliances, but its sales are mainly concentrated in Asia, including China, and the Middle East. Developing countries in Africa and Latin America, in the United States, Europe and other developed countries home appliance market sales performance is not ideal. The United States is the world's largest economic power, is one of the highest consumption levels in the world, the world famous brands, the market potential is huge, consumers have high quality requirements and purchasing power. Only by successfully opening up the home appliance market in developed countries represented by the United States can Haier become the world's first household appliance brand in the real sense. With the increase of the number of competitors in the American household electrical appliances market and the maturity of the competitors, Haier, as a new entrant in the American household electrical appliance market, how to quickly improve the brand awareness, expand the market share and realize the large-scale sales of large household appliances is the primary problem to be solved for Haier to participate in the competition in the American market. Based on the basic theories and methods of marketing strategy, this paper makes a case study on Haier's marketing strategy in the United States by using the relevant theories such as international marketing and SWOT analysis tools. Firstly, this paper introduces the necessity of Haier's development of American household appliances market and the course and present situation of Haier's development of American household appliances market. Secondly, it introduces Haier's macro environment and industry environment in the American household appliance market, in which the macro environment mainly involves population, economy, politics, law and culture, and the industry competition environment mainly involves the market scale, characteristics, sales channels and competitors of the American household electrical appliances industry. Third, from the perspective of enterprise environment, this paper analyzes the opportunities and threats Haier faces in the US household electrical appliances market, that is, the market capacity is large, the potential is large, the consumption level is high, the aging trend is the opportunity and threat, the opportunity and threat of financial crisis, the threat of anti-dumping countervailing, the opportunity and threat of concentrated sales channel, the opportunity and threat of brand concentration, and the threat of unconditional return clause. At the same time, Haier also needs to face the threat of rising raw material prices in the international market and the appreciation of RMB exports from China. In this case, Haier must realize the entry of one of the four major chain channels in the United States and the scale sales of large household appliances through the strategic alliance strategy, increase the market share; realize the design innovation, cost optimization, marketing localization and avoid the threat of anti-dumping countervailing through the localization strategy; and realize the reasonable allocation of short-term and long-term goals through the strategy of OEM and brand. However, the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise affect the implementation of these marketing business strategies, only through advertising strategy, brand positioning strategy to enhance Haier brand awareness, clear brand positioning, through process optimization strategy to enhance Haier's response speed in the United States market; Only by perfecting the shopping experience of consumers through after-sales service strategy can we give full play to their advantages, reduce the pressure brought about by their own disadvantages, better ensure the implementation of enterprise marketing business strategy, realize the successful development of the American market, and become the world's first brand in the real sense. It is expected that the conclusions of this paper can provide a practical reference for Haier to open up the American household appliances market, and provide a reference for the research and formulation of the international marketing strategy of Chinese household appliance enterprises.
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