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发布时间:2018-04-22 07:29

  本文选题:朱熹 + 陈淳 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2015年硕士论文

[Abstract]:On the basis of inheriting the imperial examination system in the Sui and Tang dynasties, the imperial examination system in the Song Dynasty developed further, expanded its social influence and extended to the field of light learning. When children were young, they began to learn the imperial examination literature represented by poetry and Fu. Faced with such social reality, Zhu Xi and other Neo-Confucianism is deeply dissatisfied. Put this discontent into practice, Zhu Xi put forward his theory of learning. In theory, Zhu Xi wanted to draw lessons from the "six arts education" of the Western Zhou Dynasty, but in fact, Zhu Xi's Mongolian thought as well as the whole educational thought got more enlightenment from Confucius' thought. Zhu Xi divided education into two stages: "university" and "primary school". In the stage of "university", Zhu Xi advocated teaching "principle", in "primary school" stage, Zhu Xi advocated teaching "matter". The principle of teaching "matter" is the core content of Zhu Xi's theory of light study. However, Zhu Xi's Mongolian thought was not reflected in his masterpiece of Mongolian poetry, the quatrains. The main content of "Xunmeng quatrains" is about "reason", "matter" and "reason" conflict. If Zhu Xi's Mongolian thought is taken as the criterion of evaluation, the quatrains of "Xunmeng quatrains" are not supposed to be poems of disciplining them; on the other hand, on the basis of reality, the quatrains of "Xunmeng quatrains" by Zhu Xi are more suitable for the introductory reading of the "university" stage. The true content of the quatrains determines that they are to be read. The accepted condition, in history, has been a different identity, that is, the quatrains. However, the quatrains of Xunmeng developed in the course of spreading. It is not only a poem of sexual reason, but also regarded as a poem of discipline. The reason is that from the end of Song Dynasty, Neo-Confucianism of Cheng and Zhu gradually became the official philosophy. Zhu Xi's "four Books and chapters" became the "legal textbook" in the imperial examination in the Yuan Dynasty. The content of "Li" and its close relationship with the "four Books" have been popularized and disseminated in the field of light science by the power of imperial examination. Chen Chun is Zhu Xi's favorite student, Chen Chun's Mongolian thought originates from Zhu Xi. The main content of Chen Chun's Elementary School Poetry Rites is the harmony of "Li", "matter" and "Li". It can be seen from the "Elementary School Poetry ritual" that the training and Mongolian poetry in line with Zhu Xi's Mongolian thought is written in the form of poetry. The purpose of the poem is to teach children to sweep and cope with it through the "fun" form of poetry. Advance and retreat and other specific norms.


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