[Abstract]:As an expression of thought, it is not only anti-feudal, but also deeply reflects on the modernity of "respecting oneself". From the perspective of "other", the relationship between "self" and "other" in "death" is discussed, and it can be seen that the real challenge to the "ego" of the enlighteners is the Zi Jun. Because Zijun, like Chuansheng, regards personality as the highest moral, and believes that "I am my own, and none of them interfere with my rights", including close lovers. Trickle love your son, but you can't live with your awakened son. Whether it is to reform or expel Zijun, essentially do not accept the other side of the "self." It is here that Lu Xun profoundly reveals the patriarchal thought and tyranny hidden in trickle-sheng's soul. Through the tragedy of trickle-sheng, we can see that Lu Xun has a profound reflection and review on the enlightenment and personality emancipation since the May 4th Movement.
【作者单位】: 广州大学人文学院;
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