[Abstract]:Xiao Hong is a very talented woman writer in the history of modern Chinese literature. In her short 31 years of life, she has left many classics for later generations. Her short life is full of frustrations and hardships. Xiao Hong's unfortunate life experience makes her have a strong sense of loneliness. On the basis of the previous research results, this paper tries to closely link the author's life experience with her literary works, and to probe into the sense of loneliness permeated in Xiao Hong's works. In addition, Xiao Hong's works have been excluded from the mainstream for a long time because of the limitations of the times, which has deepened her loneliness experience. This paper not only discusses the causes of Xiao Hong's loneliness consciousness, but also explores the causes of Xiao Hong's loneliness consciousness. The theme of the loneliness consciousness in Xiao Hong's works, the artistic reappearance of the loneliness consciousness in Xiao Hong's works and the profound connotation of the loneliness consciousness in Xiao Hong's works are studied in detail. The miserable fate of the people being oppressed by the class reflects Xiao Hong's criticism of the patriarchal society and her deep sympathy for the people at the bottom. The artistic reproduction of Xiao Hong's loneliness consciousness is mainly discussed from three aspects: the construction of lonely and desolate images, the prose style of Lyric novels, and the expression of joy and sorrow. This analysis enables readers to deeply appreciate how the writer expresses his loneliness and his indisputable complex feelings towards the foolish through artistic means. Finally, the author discusses the profound connotation of Xiao Hong's loneliness consciousness and puts forward that "although this is a land of ignorance and backwardness, Xiao is still a land of ignorance and backwardness." Red does not lead people to despair, because in a dark society, we see a part of people from the numb state of mind gradually awakened, embarked on the road of awakening and resistance, but also saw some people even in difficult circumstances, always maintain optimistic, kind, tenacious, positive and upward quality, it is here We see hope in some people. This shows Xiao Hong's pursuit of warm humanity and her yearning for a better future. At the same time, it also reflects Xiao Hong's humanitarian concern.
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