[Abstract]:In recent years, the term "new century literature" has become a concept widely used by scholars to grasp the broken turn of Chinese literature since the end of the last century. In the author's view, the novel of the New Century, as a new way of writing and the form of existence, has entered the history of contemporary literature, which is closely related to the entry of the whole China into an picturesque context at the end of the 20th century. The "new" of "new century" literature lies in the entry of a kind of graphic experience, so the image turn of new century literature, especially the image turn of "new century novel", has become the characteristic and mechanism of understanding new century literature. An important perspective on the form of existence. The external features that can be felt intuitively by the image turn of the novel in the new century are mainly manifested in three points: first, the presentation form, from monologue to intertextuality. Although the existing form of modern novels exists in the form of illustrative works, characters are dominant in the relationship between images and characters, and images are only a supplement to characters. In some novels in recent years, images have begun to dominate. The second is writing resources, from direct experience to indirect experience. The resources of traditional novels are more based on the writer's personal experience and life accumulation. In the age of visualization, the resources of the novel come from the symbols and images spread by various media, the cross-regional flow of images, as well as movies, television, computer games, the Internet and so on. The third is the media environment, from paper writing to screen writing. Traditional novels rely on paper media and have strong written cultural characteristics, while novels in the new century rely more on the media environment formed by various new media and have the characteristics of electronic culture suitable for this new media environment. The image turn of the novel in the new century is mainly reflected in the narrative mode from time narration to spatial narration. The traditional novel pays attention to the development of the plot of the novel in time and the integrity and rigour of the linear logic of time. However, some novels in the image age pay more attention to the scene narration, showing great jump in time and space, and even dispelling the linear natural time logic in the form of traversing novels. Its representation logic is manifested from image to quasi-image, from realism to virtual, from metaphor to presentation. Its theme setting is from elite to worldly, from concept to body, from thought table to desire demand. As far as narrative mode and sensory cognition are concerned, novels in the new century are not only the change of paradigm, but also the change of idea, and even the change of cultural logic. Accept the effect from readable to visible, from charm to shock. Style features: from depth model to singularity, planarization and non-history. The prosperity of image culture has brought unprecedented opportunities for the development of literature. Great changes have taken place in literature from the mode of production, aesthetic style to operation mode. This paper thinks about the shortcomings of the existing literary interpretation theory, reflects on the consequences of the novel image turn in the new century, and probes into the future trend of the novel image turn in the new century.
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